I don't know what to do anymore...


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
This has been a difficult year. I have been hit with a lot, but so far, I've managed to find a way to get through it all. Right now, though, things look pretty dark, and I don't know what to do...

When I moved to Texas, I took a HUGE (40+%) pay cut. In the five years I've been here, it hasn't gone up. My expenses have. I have used up all my savings. I am only clearing a couple of hundred of dollars a month over expenses. My ex doesn't pay child support, and never has, and contributes nothing financially.

My daughter is half way through her senior year in High School. She's an honors student. She's doing great. I don't want to upset that. She graduates in June.

Now, my landlord is talking about raising my rent as of the 1st of the year to a point where my expenses will exceed my income. If that happens, I am screwed. I have no money to move, and I will be evicted if I stay.

I don't know what I am going to do, and the stress is killing me.

WORST CASE SCENARIO: If push comes to shove, is there someone out there willing to take my birds for a few months, until I find a place, and get back on my feet?!

I have cages, playstands, etc. and will supply the food for them. I don't want to rehome them. I can't give them up... These are my babies! That would kill me! But I may not have a place to live for the first few months of this next year...

I don't know what I am going to do.
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I am so sorry to hear this! Is it legal there for a landlord to evict with no real time warning given when there is a child living in the home? I rented out a home I owned in Michigan for a time and I can tell you even if the renters stopped paying for months if there was a child in the home it took forever to evict! How long have you lived there can you explain that you really can't pay higher? Once your daughter graduates I assume you could move or find cheaper housing, can you ask him to give you until summer with no rent increase?
Also WHY isn't the mother of your daughter paying support? Go to the friend of the court and request it. Why should a woman (mother) not pay when a man (father) is made to?
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I am so sorry to hear this! Is it legal there for a landlord to evict with no real time warning given when there is a child living in the home? I rented out a home I owned in Michigan for a time and I can tell you even if the renters stopped paying for months if there was a child in the home it took forever to evict! How long have you lived there can you explain that you really can't pay higher? Once your daughter graduates I assume you could move or find cheaper housing, can you ask him to give you until summer with no rent increase?
Also WHY isn't the mother of your daughter paying support? Go to the friend of the court and request it. Why should a woman (mother) not pay when a man (father) is made to?

I've lived there for five years.

This is Texas. It's as far right wing as America ever gets. The landlord can do what ever he pleases... it's his property. Child or no child. All I could do was tell the guy, you do this I have to move. You'll lose more money from the property sitting empty looking for another tenant, then you'll gain from a rent increase, assuming you can even rent this dump for that much. I don't know what he's gonna decide, but that is where we left it.

Here it takes 30-60 days for an eviction to go through, but once you get a UD on your record? Good luck ever getting anyone else to rent to you EVER again... I'd rather avoid that if I can, and just refuse the rent increase, and give notice. Problem is I've got nowhere to go at the moment, no money to get there, and five birds which usually makes finding a place a tad problematic.

The Court is in California. I'm in Texas. Besides, she already owes me for $27,000, where the Court ordered her to pay it back, and she disobeyed the Court order. The Court couldn't find a way to enforce it. She's broke there is no way to enforce it. Therefore, it isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

I waived child support years ago, simply because I knew she wasn't going to pay it anyway, and my child was caught in the middle of all that screaming over something that I knew would never get paid... it wasn't worth the hassle. Again, she's broke so there's no way to enforce it. Peace is sometimes more important than money.

Anyway, my "child" will be 18 at the end of December anyway, so child support is moot at this point.

I'm hoping my Christmas bonus will be enough to find a place to live. If it isn't, I am in serious trouble. If it is, the pressure is off, and I just have to move.

But five years of being left to starve is taking it's toll on me...

I was hoping to get Sarah through High School, and then I'd focus on doing something about me, but it doesn't look like I'm gonna have that option.

If I don't fix my situation, I can't provide for, or help her.

But it's still really tough out there...
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I wish there was something I could do. You have helped me with so much info in the past. If I was closer I would take care of your birds in a heartbeat. Good luck! and I am sure you will find some one to lend a hand with your birds.
I also wish I lived close enough to help, Mark. I am so sorry you are going through this, what a terrible time of year to be hit with this. I hope and pray that you are able to work something out with your landlord.
Mark, I am so so sorry to hear this:( I wish we could help. I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that and your landlord is willing to work with you, especially if you've been a good renter for 5 years. Could you possibly negotiate not raising the rent or not raising it by as much as he was planning until your daughter graduates and try to get through to him that way (which would give you some time to look for a new place)? He may be more willing to negotiate if you explain it through the eyes of a parent trying to help their honor student daughter graduate without uprooting her life.... If worse comes to worse, given you have all the cages and can pay for their care, I wonder if a local parrot foster network could help you out by holding your birds for you until you get into a better spot financially?
Oh Mark, I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. :( I am confident with as many Texans as we have on board, someone is going to step up and help you if it comes down to it.
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Oh Mark, I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. :( I am confident with as many Texans as we have on board, someone is going to step up and help you if it comes down to it.

I am honestly hoping it doesn't come to that, but I would sleep better if I knew at the 11th hour I could board them with someone who wouldn't steal them...

In California I had several rescues, and many, many bird people.

Out here I have no one...

I am genuinely scared this time. And I HATE being scared. Usually I have a Plan B.
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I wonder if a local parrot foster network could help you out by holding your birds for you until you get into a better spot financially?

I don't have one out here...

The only person I know will make me sign them over to him, and then will turn around and sell them!

Mark I'm so sorry to hear about what you are faced with. That's a tough situation to be in.

I still know some people in the San Antonio area and a couple in the Austin area. I will make some calls and send some emails this evening and over the weekend. A couple of them used to have rental houses and some others were into birds (that's how I got my CAG back in the day)

I will PM you if I come up with anything that might help you out.
Sorry to hear this, Mark. Your situation is a reminder to many how quickly a reasonably comfortable situation can be compromised.

It would seem your best bet is appealing to the kinder humane instincts of the landlord, if they exist. Unless the property is in hot demand and/or rental rates are rising, he may simply be "phishing" for greater returns where they don't logically exist. If you are so inclined, do a bit of research into the local rental market - this may help convince him your stable position is the best case.

In the worst case scenario, would casting a wider net of rescues or individuals willing to work with you be feasible? Something within a few hours drive via rental truck to transport the flock if necessary?

Wish I could help, but SoCal is a long way. Hopefully there will be sufficient collective brainstorming on the forum to form a backstop and lower your anxiety.
I'm in S.A. but I have NO large bird experience. Kinda scared of large parrots, truth be told.

A few days ago, I had to break up a fight between my 2 green cheeks and almost cried from their vicious bites, lol.

We have a small house, so the cages take up most of our living room.

Kiwi had a good suggestion and hopefully, Amanda can find some local folks with large parrot experience.

But let me know if things do get desperate for you and there is no one else who can foster your fids. I'll see what I can do.
Find out how much it will cost to ship the birds to NC I will take care of them for you until you get on your feet if I have to borrow the money to ship them . I have a cage only need to get them to me.
I have some relatives coming here in Feb but if you need it sooner than then let me know I got ya back dude you have helped me a great deal
Oh Mark, I'm really sorry to read this :(. I pray that there will be a positive outcome here, for all of you. You, your daughter and your 5 other 'kids'.

So many of us have been/or are in rough situations whether financially or other bad situations and can truly empathize and feel your real fears. I do hope and pray for the best for you Mark. Hang in there, I know it's horrible! Will be following your updates ...
Mark, I'm really sorry you and your daughter are going through this. Seems like under the circumstances your landlord could be understanding enough to work with you at least until your daughter graduates. I hope you find a solution and don't have to spend a day away from your birds.
Hey mark, i'm not sure what i can do to help, but i'd like to. I could take care of all your birds if needed . I have the room,resources,etc to care for them on a short term basis. I'm scheduled to be out your way in late Jan or Feb. PM me or some of the Mods have my contact info.
Oh man, that's tough. I'm so sorry you all are going through this! I wish I could help, as I'm sure everyone here does! You've been so helpful to everyone here! Wish I lived closer to Texas! Prayers your way...
Hey mark, i'm not sure what i can do to help, but i'd like to. I could take care of all your birds if needed . I have the room,resources,etc to care for them on a short term basis. I'm scheduled to be out your way in late Jan or Feb. PM me or some of the Mods have my contact info.

YOU ROCK, Captain!!! :smile015:

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