I got a hug


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
I swear I love this Bird so much. He was sitting on my leg . King BB allowed me to preen him . Actually I felt bad for him . His head is covered with Pins. He was sitting on my knee. I leaned forward to get a sip of my Beer and he leaned back into me Stretched out his wing around my arm and just laid his head on my arm. James was sitting on the other end of the Couch and said Oh my God he is hugging you. I promise there was not a dry eye in the house.

Will be working on more pictures so I can post to the Buzz Saw thread.
Hhhhmmm.... didn't someone say, I don't know, this morning... maybe... that this was only beginning and the good stuff was just getting started?!

WELCOME TO THE GOOD STUFF!!! There's nothing else like it.

THIS IS WHAT MACAW OWNERSHIP IS ALL ABOUT. You've turned that "next corner." CONGRATS ON YOUR "MUSH MAC" and somewhere down the line James may get a hug...
What a super special moment and milestone, Chris! :D Goosebumps galore!! There will be more big mac hugs for you in the future, I promise! :heart:
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Thanks guys. For some reason he was like Glue yesterday. I had to go in the yard to repot a Spider Plant. He stayed at the window watching and talking.
Such a sweetie

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