I Might Lose Her


New member
Jun 5, 2013
My Green Cheek Conure, Mia, has been screaming all day when she isn't outside of her cage, she starts at 7 in the morning and goes until she goes to bed minus the hours she is out every day. She is fine when she is out of the cage, i don't even have to be in the room.
So I was wondering, is there a way I can get her to stay on her perch all day. I read that GCC like to chew and cause havoc on furniture and she does fly around a lot even though her wings were trimmed.

My dad works nights and is threatening to remove her if she doesn't stop screaming during the day. I need help or I'm going to lose my Mia forever.


Well-known member
May 2, 2012
Boomer (Sun Conure 9 yrs), Pewpew (Budgie 5 yrs), Ulap (Budgie 2 yrs), Eight & Kiki (Beloved Budgies, RIP)
Does she know how to play with toys? How about forage? The key is to make her feel like its not SO bad to be in her cage. She has to have a big, comfy cage with lots of varied perches, toys and most importantly foragers to keep her busy. Make sure the cage is in a good spot, it might be another reason she's not staying in it. No direct sun, preferably in a corner by a window she could look out of, breezy, no loud noise, etc.

If all else fails, appeal to your day's soft side and have him watch adorable conure videos on YouTube. Preferably with sad, mushy music :)


Well-known member
May 2, 2012
Boomer (Sun Conure 9 yrs), Pewpew (Budgie 5 yrs), Ulap (Budgie 2 yrs), Eight & Kiki (Beloved Budgies, RIP)
And to answer your Q, I don't think there is a way to make a parrot stay put on their perch for 8 hours straight. She is bound to go explore the room. Maybe there are exceptions out there but must take a great deal of training and a mix of the bird's own personality as well.


New member
Jun 29, 2013
Kihei, Hawaii
None at the moment
Does she have enough stimulating / forging toys to keep her busy while she is inside her cage? Give her a reason to want to be inside her cage. :)


New member
May 3, 2013
Sun Conure (Dunkin)
grey cockatiel (Nalo)
As others have said, toys and foraging cane greatly help. Also try not clipping her wings and do some flight training before bed. Or even just some other trick training can help if you don't want to stop clipping for whatever reason.

Just switching toys around and providing lots of foraging reduced my Sun Conures screaming by a good 50%.


New member
Sep 26, 2012
Two Cinnamon Turquoise Green Cheek Conures;
Kalika and Makana,
brothers hatched November 6th 2011
My wife works nights and sleeps days, but we found tho our two GCCs love music. If we leave the stereo on something like light jazz they star calm and quiet. With no stereo they are like jungle birds! So maybe try some music?


New member
May 3, 2013
Sun Conure (Dunkin)
grey cockatiel (Nalo)
My wife works nights and sleeps days, but we found tho our two GCCs love music. If we leave the stereo on something like light jazz they star calm and quiet. With no stereo they are like jungle birds! So maybe try some music?

My girlfriend does something similar with her cockatiel. She will leave the tv on for the bird.


New member
May 21, 2013
mid tn usa
Goldie- hen Gold/Yellow cheek Cockatiel ( almost 20 yr old) and a newly weaned Lutino parakeet named Boo 2 GCC's Milo-Turquoise and Jada-Pineapple.
I always leave the tv on a child friendly station and that way they have entertainment and are less likely to pick up bad language.


New member
Mar 27, 2013
part owner of Tundra, cockatiel, white zebra fiches
I Have a Gold Cap Conure named Ninja and he squawks every morning and through out the day. He enjoys music and loves to bob his head. Do you think Mia is squawking because she wants attention. If you do i would suggest maybe getting a friend for Mia. Sometimes birds squawk because they are lonely. Ninja seems to squawk when he wants fruits and vegetables.

How do I stop my bird (Sun Conure) from screaming.? - Yahoo! Answers


New member
Nov 20, 2012
Can you keep her in your bedroom? That way you can close the bedroom door and leave the cage door open. My son's conure stays in his bedroom. We leave the cage door open all day. She has a playgym on top of her cage and rarely flies around the room (even though her wings are almost totally grown out).

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