I think she had a seizure...


Well-known member
2x Parrot of the Month ๐Ÿ†
May 2, 2021
Vermont, USA
Stormy(M): blue Australian budgie
Picasso(F): green Australian budgie
Apollo(F): sky blue dominant pied Australian budgie
So this morning, I was misting the birds, and my little Cossie suddenly started flapping her wings like crazy, while still holding on to the perch. Then, she fell off the perch and kept flapping, just, crazy fast. It looked like she had no control over her wings whatsoever, and when she stopped flapping, she hunkered down with an absolutely terrified look in her eyes. I have never seen her as scared as she was then. Also, let me mention that her wings were NOT wet at all! I did recall with her shortly after, and she recalled like normal. And obviously I panicked and looked up seizure symptoms, and sure enough "rapid flapping of the wings" and "loss of control over wings, feet, etc." popped up. So I think she had a seizure... And of course I'm going to the vet ASAP to get her tested for anything that could have caused this.
Seizure Symptoms are commonly a wake-up call to bird owners that even tho they have had birds for awhile, they have not seen everything. The Vet visit is clearly worth the time as is the testing to determine if there is an issue regarding mineral imbalance that can be adjusted. In most cases, little to nothing is found and one is faced with keeping an eye on your bird to assure that it does not become overly excited or exercised. Comforting your bird always helps, understand that once stable, they will look to be treated like normal to avoid drawing unwanted attention.
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Seizure Symptoms are commonly a wake-up call to bird owners that even tho they have had birds for awhile, they having seen everything. The Vet visit is clearly worth the time as is the testing to determine if there is an issue regarding mineral imbalance that can be adjusted. In most cases, little to nothing is found and one is faced with keeping an eye on your bird to assure that it does not become overly excited or exercised. Comforting your bird always helps, understand that once stable, they will look to be treated like normal to avoid drawing unwanted attention.
Yes, it was a wake-up call, I never thought seizures would happen to one of my birds, so I never looked into it or even considered it. My mistake. Cossie was (thankfully) stable about a minute after she stopped flapping, and she seems OK.
Oh Ollie, I bet that was scary to see.

What SailBoat said has been my experience with non-bird animals too - if nothing obvious is seen on a regular exam, most vets will have you just monitor after a first-known seizure.

SailBoat, the tip about treating her like normal to not draw attention and cause more stress is really smart; I wouldn't have thought of that and can picture myself being the type to make a fuss like I would with my dog. Thank you for pointing that out.
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Oh Ollie, I bet that was scary to see.

What SailBoat said has been my experience with non-bird animals too - if nothing obvious is seen on a regular exam, most vets will have you just monitor after a first-known seizure.

SailBoat, the tip about treating her like normal to not draw attention and cause more stress is really smart; I wouldn't have thought of that and can picture myself being the type to make a fuss like I would with my dog. Thank you for pointing that out.
Yeah, it was confusing and scary, but I did suspect that she may have had a seizure even before I looked it up, since I have seen videos of birds having seizures before. And I'm definitely treating her normally, since she is acting normally.
Iโ€™m so sorry this happened and I hope sheโ€™s ok. Youโ€™re noticing a few changes now, right? Maybe keep a list of all thatโ€™s going on with her.
I had something similar happen once, it's very scary. Unfortunately my parents weren't concerned:(

Hope she'll be ok.

Edit: also to clarify, I was talking about my bird having a seizure, not me. Sorry if I caused any confusion.
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It happened again yesterday while I was trying to bathe her. Exact same scenario. Panicked look, rapidly flapping wings while holding onto perch, eventually falling off perch (because she's flapping too fast). I looked it up, and people say that's just exercise behavior? She looks so panicked when she does it, though.
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Also, people say it's due to not getting enough exercise, however Cossie exercises all day out in the room (also she's kinda lazy) and this has only happened when she's bathing.
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I'm starting to think more and more that it's just her releasing excess energy, however there is still one confusing thing: why only when bathing? She gets plenty of exercise, and I try to make bathing as good as possible for the birdies. Also she flock calls before doing it. Maybe she's just odd?
So this morning, I was misting the birds, and my little Cossie suddenly started flapping her wings like crazy, while still holding on to the perch. Then, she fell off the perch and kept flapping, just, crazy fast. It looked like she had no control over her wings whatsoever, and when she stopped flapping, she hunkered down with an absolutely terrified look in her eyes. I have never seen her as scared as she was then. Also, let me mention that her wings were NOT wet at all! I did recall with her shortly after, and she recalled like normal. And obviously I panicked and looked up seizure symptoms, and sure enough "rapid flapping of the wings" and "loss of control over wings, feet, etc." popped up. So I think she had a seizure... And of course I'm going to the vet ASAP to get her tested for anything that could have caused this.
Mojito my GCC has had 3 small focal seizures this year and he is not even 2 years old yet. They are scary and very sad but now I know the warning signs and I am able to remain calm and comfort him until he returns to normal. I have taken him to the vet and they said although it is not common in GCC it is not totally uncommon. He was given a clean bill of health and I was told to just keep a log of them for now. I have an emergency plan in place for if he doesnโ€™t return to normal but thankfully he pulls through them after a short time and is back to his normal self in no time. My vet said birds can be put on medication for seizures but that they donโ€™t typically respond too well to it and that he would have to very frequent before turning to medication. It can just be something your bird is born with like my bird but itโ€™s reassuring to hear it from a vet. Good luck.
oh, also Iโ€™ve noticed at least with Mojito similar activities/occurrences happen just before each seizure so I am trying to reduce those stimulating events from happening at the same time in case those are what is causing a rush of electrical activity in his brain and in turn causing a seizure. So if you think the misting could be causing a surge of electrical transmitters in the brain maybe change the way you bathe her.
I know there are certain things that set off my migraines and they say migraines are like a seizureโ€ฆonce I know a migraine is coming, thatโ€™s just the way it is. Found out that I can use a hair mask in the shower but if I sleep with it on my hair the fragrance brings on a migraine ๐Ÿ™

So I wonder if you can figure out what makes a seizure more likely and reduce it, as I reduce migraines by avoiding smells or lights.
Stormy, it seems like too much of a coincidence that it happened both times during โ€œbathtimeโ€. I wonder if it isnโ€™t a kind of panic attack. You know, budgies are native to the Australian desert and may not have the bathe-in-the-rain instinct. That little brain might be freaking out. Panic attacks arenโ€™t rational. But I think bathing in ponds is a natural habit for budgies, maybe you could offer a shallow dish of water instead?
So this morning, I was misting the birds, and my little Cossie suddenly started flapping her wings like crazy, while still holding on to the perch. Then, she fell off the perch and kept flapping, just, crazy fast. It looked like she had no control over her wings whatsoever, and when she stopped flapping, she hunkered down with an absolutely terrified look in her eyes. I have never seen her as scared as she was then. Also, let me mention that her wings were NOT wet at all! I did recall with her shortly after, and she recalled like normal. And obviously I panicked and looked up seizure symptoms, and sure enough "rapid flapping of the wings" and "loss of control over wings, feet, etc." popped up. So I think she had a seizure... And of course I'm going to the vet ASAP to get her tested for anything that could have caused this.
I hope your Cossie recovered from what really does sound like a seizure. I had a budgie, Bib, that had a bad episode just like the one you described. Unfortunately Bib's seizure was fatal and she died in my hands as I tried to comfort her. The avian vet told me that just like in dogs, cats and people, a seizure CAN be fatal and there's very little they can do to prevent another one. Just enjoy your little birdie for as long as sbrain es have. And don't worry- you haven't done anything wrong! Seizures are caused by electrical problems in the brain. Best wishes!
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I hope your Cossie recovered from what really does sound like a seizure. I had a budgie, Bib, that had a bad episode just like the one you described. Unfortunately Bib's seizure was fatal and she died in my hands as I tried to comfort her. The avian vet told me that just like in dogs, cats and people, a seizure CAN be fatal and there's very little they can do to prevent another one. Just enjoy your little birdie for as long as sbrain es have. And don't worry- you haven't done anything wrong! Seizures are caused by electrical problems in the brain. Best wishes!
Well, she seems to be doing OK-ish now. She and the flock have an RI, but she'll take medicine on loose seeds pretty readily.

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