I was lied to about her age! She just layed an egg!


New member
Mar 31, 2015
Milwaukee, WI
Blue-Fronted Amazon-Lucy
My parrot, who I was told was 1 when I got her, just layed an egg. I can't believe I was lied to by the owner. No wonder she was aggressive towards me! She was going through sexual maturity and apparently the owner didn't want her and lied to me about the age. Well I guess it is the way it is, but I can't believe someone would lie like that. She was in an incredibly good mood today, and then it looked like she was having a painful bowel movement and started hacking. She didn't throw up but acted like she was going to. I am new to all this, so I am just learning as I go along. I guess she was going through sexual maturity. That's why she pierced a hole in my ear a few months ago lol.
Holy smokes! :eek: Where did she lay the egg in? Amazons 'usually' wait to have a box before they lay. Is she sitting on the egg? Don't be surprised if she lays another. What is your plan regarding the egg?

Unfortunately you'll never know with certainty exactly how old she is. She could very well be past reaching sexual maturity already.
What a surprise that must have been! I guess on the bright side, her behavior is more understandable now/more info on what to do about it. It is rather unusual for amazons to lay eggs without a mate or nest box. Probably not a bad idea to contact her AV and see what the best course of action is now (remove the egg? Leave the egg? Replace with dummies? Any special dietary changes? ext...).
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I honestly have no idea what to do about the egg. She layed it on the cage floor. Anyone have any thoughts?
Leave the egg in there. Like I said earlier, she 'may' lay another (or 2). Some folks boil them and then put them back. I never boiled mine, but left mine alone for about 3 weeks, or until the hen loses complete interest.

If you remove it, there's a chance she's going to want to replace it rather sooner than later. So 'if" she lays a clutch, I'd personally just leave them be. None of mine ever developed an odor, so no worries there. :)
Leave the egg in there. Like I said earlier, she 'may' lay another (or 2). Some folks boil them and then put them back. I never boiled mine, but left mine alone for about 3 weeks, or until the hen loses complete interest.

If you remove it, there's a chance she's going to want to replace it rather sooner than later. So 'if" she lays a clutch, I'd personally just leave them be. None of mine ever developed an odor, so no worries there. :)

Does Hunter lay eggs?
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Thank you! I will do that then. She keeps wanting to be near me. I think she thinks I'm her mate.
I'd pull the egg, but save it. Many pet hens (zons)will only lay one egg. You don't want to encourage her to lay a clutch. If she does lay another you can add the first egg. I'd move her cage, move her toys, change the perches. Shake her environment up a bit. A diet change will help too. Cut out the fatty nuts and seeds. Fed more fresh greens and veggies. I have many ot her suggestions but try these. My background is getting t them breed, which means i know all the don't do as well.

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