Lol my female budgie gets mad at me WAY too easily...


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Las Cruces, NM
Pineapple Turquoise Greencheek Conure-Ivy❤️, Male Cockatiel-Lusa (aka Bub =D)
O no..she's mad at me..again...haha!! But i love her hormonal, crazy, loving, nippy, screaching, feathered butt anyways:) so to get her mad THIS time i have my male budgie on quarentine and i had him on my shoulder and i guess she saw me giving him kisses and i went to try and give her treats just cause(after putting him away and washing up of course!) and she wanted NOTHING to do with me LOL!! she usually wastes no time grabbing treats from me but this time she just turned her head away with her little diva attitude and flew when i tried to pick her up...spoiled little brat haha! she's currently sitting on the sky risers glaring down at me haha!!! O goodness she cracks me up:)
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Right! Haha how dare me. She's over it though and she let me pick her up again:) and she got kisses too:)
It's cute that she was mad at you at such a simple thing... however, I gotta say, you aren't quarantining the male... if they share the same air space and/or they are in the same room, even before the end of the quarantine time, then there may be little point in keeping him in quarantine.
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Lol no the door was open down the hall:) there not sharing air or anything haha
Hahaha, people say budgies don't have style ! I tell you that budgies have more style then a macaw ! I speak from experience from my own budgies lol
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Right! haha i love them! idk what i would do if i never got them:)
They definitely have their own personality and style! My last parakeet, Buddy, absolutely HATED cell phones. As soon as I started talking on my cell phone, whether I was making a call or received a call, he would get mad and start squawking like crazy and flapping his wings. I thought that maybe the cell phone itself was bothering him, like maybe birds were somehow sensitive to the radio waves. But nope, he was just getting jealous! Later on, whenever I had friends over and we would be in my room, he would start squawking when I was talking with them! I realized it was because he wanted all the attention!

As some of you know, Buddy passed away on November 8. I still miss him so much, and I have so many memories of him like this. It is getting a little easier now though, and at least now I can usually tell stories about him without crying.

I did get another parakeet, Chipper. He could never replace Buddy of course, but he is definitely helping me to feel better. He's so gentle and I pick him up all the time. I'm already starting to learn about his personality too. He was really quiet at first, but now that he's getting more comfortable, he's starting to show more of his personality. :) He's very gentle and likes to be held and petted, and he LOVES to climb!

Birds are such amazing little animals. I had no idea they could be so friendly, intelligent, affectionate, and have such unique personalities. I just never knew. I never had any pet birds when I was a kid. My parents always discouraged me from getting a bird, and would tell me that they are messy and don't like to be held, etc. I had always thought that birds were mainly just to watch. I had a friend that really loved animals, and he had a lot of birds. But none of them were hand tame. He just told me that birds didn't like to be held or petted. But now that I'm an adult and I have been able to tame parakeets and bond with them, I am absolutely fascinated with birds. Even my mom is amazed now at how friendly and intelligent they are. She said she had no idea that a bird could be so friendly either. They DO love attention and they WILL bond with you. If a person can be patient and gentle, I'd say a bird is one of the best pets you could ever have. They're great little friends, and help to brighten your life. :)
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