Lucy and Bleu <3


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
So I put this in general cause Lu is a BC conure and Bleu is a BH Pionus! lol ANYWAYS! Here's some pics cause they're just too cute sometimes haha

OH JEEZE mom cleaned the floor! WOO!

ps: look at that full tail! haha I've never seen so many tush feathers on her lol

I'm a good girl!

Haha this is a constant distance between them...

Separate cages make for happy neighbors. Lucy is now actually on the other side of the room, they're about 6' away from each other


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
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One of the first nights home... and he's theivin my dinner lol

First time going willingly to dad... to steal his cereal lol this fid is all about food

We like play time on the bed!

.. and under it haha


and after a bath, Bleu loves snuggling with his BFF... Noodles haha



New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
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Lucy's been my little shadow as always when I come home :) and Bleu came out to the living room for the first time since we had our little tiff last night, scared the beejeezus out of me! heard a thud and something walking in the other room at 2 in the morning... freaking out... i hear a little peep and a sqwak and there's Bleu sitting on my foot saying "UP!" haha Our little tiff started because I tried to get him off the couch to go back to his cage the other day and he tried to eat my hand, so I scooped him up and put him on the floor. First time he's needed discipline since he's been here haha All is well now though I think. Just need to learn each others' boundaries. With Lucy.. there's no boundaries.. that bird sticks her head in my mouth if I'm trying to eat and she wants some haha.

I also took the birds outside for our Homecoming Tailgate this past weekend (Beat Shaw University 34-32 GO CU HAWKS! haha) They were the highlight of the tailgate, kids loved seeing them and getting to pet them and I think it was a great opportunity to teach people about parrots! No one I talked to knew they can live WELL over 20 years! It was crazy! All in all it was a fun experience though! I'll load pics of them later as soon as I cure my laziness and get the pics off my SD card haha

Thanks for reading! <3


New member
Oct 20, 2011
Midwest USA
KITTY: Pineapple Green Cheek Conure (2 year old)
BODE: Nanday Conure (5 years old)
KIWI & BLUE: English Budgerigars (RIP after 10 years)
They are just delightful to see! I love the one were bleu is walking at the camera like a dinosaur! I never knew how beautiful Lucy was!


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
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Haha thank you! and that's what i thought too!! He's so animated! and I'm so happy Lucy is growing into a beautiful girl :) I'm a little concerned about stressbars on her feathers... but it's like her feathers ALL have black tips on her body! I'm not sure if that's stress or just her color, she's as happy as a clam from what I can tell from her behavior and eating habits... and she gets fresh fruit and veggies everyday.


New member
Jul 13, 2011
Darcy (Golden-Collared Macaw), Puck (Caique - RIP)
They're so pretty!!

I hadn't even heard of stress bars until the other day when someone posted about them. It turned out their bird had a low grade infection for a while. Maybe it would be good to get her checked out if you're concerned. It's also nice to know that nothing's wrong. :)

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