Marigold's Got A Tumour


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Hamilton, Victoria, Australia
See siggie :)

So Marigold's got a large tumour and I can't do anything.

She's happy enough, not in pain I don't think.

I'm going to ask the wildlife rehabber if she'll have a look at her, but I'm fairly convinced she'll just say it's incurable and nothing can be done.


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Yes, apparently it's really common in budgies :(
But it's usually at 4-5 years and she's only 3
And they grow really quickly
Might have to get her put down if she's in pain
I actually think tumors are quite common in all australian parrots :/
Good luck....I hope shes okay :(
I'm so sorry. I wish her the best! Love, kisses, and an extra treat to her!
Oh no im so sorry i hope she gets better. It makes me just wanna hug her! She is so beautiful.
So sorry to hear this! Sending hugs to you and to Marigold :)
Oh no! Maybe you could try to feed her lots of extra antioxidants to help her body fight it off.

We had a budgie with some sort of tumor that messed with her hormones.. Her nose was pink at first, then it turned blue, then it turned purple, and one day she layed an egg...
So sorry to hear about Marigold. Hugs to both you and her. Hope all will work out for the best. Critterman
Don't count her out yet,I have a 40 yr old amazon with a tumor,vet says it's nothing harmful and she is in no danger.If it get's to be a problem they can remove it but for now she's in no pain and takes no notice of it. See what the vet says.
im so sorry i hope things work out for the best! let us know when you talk to the wildlife person!
Oh Ratzy, so sorry to hear about Marigold
You two have been through so much, and always come through
I know you have and will do all you can to save her life
Praying for a miracle
Be strong, we are all here for you
I'm so sorry, and I hope they don't tell you it's uncurable… or inoperable… though this would seem to be a difficult procedure. I'm so sorry, and I hope Marigold continues to stay strong and happy.

I'm glad in a sense to see that you are such a compassionate owner. I've known a number of people who simply watch as their birds nibble their toes away, break their legs or wings, and become chronic egg layers in tiny cages. However, your birds always look so happy and vigorous, even when there in poorer health!

Congrats on being a great owner!
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Thank you everyone!!!

Marigold is still alive and kicking, and quite happy for the moment.
I don't know if it's wishful thinking, but looking back on the photos I took of her when I first noticed it, it seems to be reduced in size.
In fact, I'm fairly convinced it's much smaller, so it could be just a fatty tumour, not something cancerous.
A fatty tumour would make sense as she has had problems with weight and such.
So fingers crossed but right now I'm not extremely worried, she seems to be doing fine :D .
This may sound odd but I had a mouse with a huge tumour on it's neck. I replaced it's water with something called Silver Colloid and the tumour went away. This is something I experimented with so I cannot guarantee it, but it did work and I'm pretty sure it's fairly safe as it didn't have any harmful side effects to my mouse and my mum drinks the stuff to help her immune system. Maybe worth looking into online or asking the vet about. You can get it at healthfood stores.
Yay! It could be benign, and just a big lump. I've had rats and dogs with benign tumors, and they aren't a big deal unless they're in the way of something.

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