My budgie head twisted and wet body (NOTE: Contains graphic and upsetting text)

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Oct 21, 2017
Hi folks , we got 2 budgies a week back unfortunately one of them crashed into a still fan and got hurt. As in India there are hardly any avian experts our vet who was little into birds gave us an antibiotic which actually started healing her completely but yesterday withing a span of few hours her whole body had wounds , bald patches and fever and her head started twisting

The good part is she's is eating fine but the problem is her head is twisting . Eyes and swelling. We are giving her multi vitamins plus paracetamol and antibiotic . I have searched a lot.on internet but nothing available. I am uploading a video and a picture of the bird so that if there is an avian can tell us why is this happening. How can we cure her
She is a beauty but this infection is troubling her.

This is her video right now


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Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Can't see video, but from the picture, it appears the head movement would be normal. Birdy heads move a lot more than us people.
They actually turn their head backwards and rest it in their feathers 2 sleep.
As for the wetness in the feathers. I'm not sure, but, her feathers are lookin rly shiny almost 2 shiny. Did she get into some kind of oil? Did u apply anything?
Oils on any bird is rly rly bad!
If she has oil on her, I highly recommend, and beg you 2 wash her clean with mild dawn dish soap bath water. Other members here might have a better fix for that if it is an oil.
I don't really see any sign of infection. What kind of infection? Internal or external?
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Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Thanks a lot let me try uploading again a video.... No these things may seem like oil but are wounds/infections so we got antiseptic cream that gave her new skin . Else we could see inside

See if this link is working
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Can't see video, but from the picture, it appears the head movement would be normal. Birdy heads move a lot more than us people.
They actually turn their head backwards and rest it in their feathers 2 sleep.
As for the wetness in the feathers. I'm not sure, but, her feathers are lookin rly shiny almost 2 shiny. Did she get into some kind of oil? Did u apply anything?
Oils on any bird is rly rly bad!
If she has oil on her, I highly recommend, and beg you 2 wash her clean with mild dawn dish soap bath water. Other members here might have a better fix for that if it is an oil.
I don't really see any sign of infection. What kind of infection? Internal or external?

Forgot the fan incident. For that. The fan was not moving. And it rly all depends on how it all want down. Birds crash and burn all the time. I kinda feel like your treating something that's not rly there.
But I didn't see her crash and fall. I learned the hard way not 2 clip their wings too much. My baby, ended up chipping his breast bone from falling. I did notice her wings were trimmed a bit, can't tell how much thou.

Anyways. My guys hit stuff all the time, it rly only is serious if they hit hard, or acting hurt. Also u should be looking up bird proofing your house. If ur going 2 have birds running around your house, you need to change a few things so they don't get hurt. Example windows, they fly right into them, same as mirrors. Body's of water that are drowning hazard. Ex toilet, mop bucket, sink, bath tub.
Fan maybe lol. Open windows and doors
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Ok seeing the video, changes like everything lol. She's breathing heavily, I rly don't recommend putting oitment on her like that, small sections is ok. But not her whole body

I was told a while bk. Cyanne pepper. The spice. U can mix a small amount 2 make a paste, and give it to her with a feeding syring.
My vet told me it's not rly recommend, cause they can get heartburn just like us. But I have been told by avid bird lovers like ourselves, that this mixture of h20 and cyanne will bring a bird back to their feet
She had told me about how birds can have seziers, u give the mixture, then 10 mins later it's like the bird never had a seizer at all
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Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Thanks did you see the twisted head? We haven't put ointment all over the body as it seems from the video

Can you check this video this is another clip I did in the afternoon
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

I am afraid I don't have anything good to say. but I will try.

Some of what you describe (whole body had wounds , bald patches and fever) sounds like she could be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. I would discontinue immediately. I don't know why antibiotics would be prescribed for hitting something in flight.

The head tilt.
I had a Lutino Cockatiel that developed a head tilt along with poor coordination and walking in circles. The vet told me it could be a brain tumor or damage to her brain caused by hitting something while flying. This bird never flew in my house and I could see she was suffering greatly. I had her put to sleep. My best suggestion to treat the head tilt would be with a pain reliving NSAID (reduce swelling) drug.

The rapid/labored breathing I have noting to recommend.

If it was me I would be seriously considering ending her misery.
I am sorry to say that but it makes me feel terrible to see that video.

I am not a Vet or a Doctor but have some knowledge of medicine as my mother was a nurse. I learned a lot from her.

good luck.
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

I’m not a vet, so don’t take any of this as authority. I don’t think those are really bald patches. Bird feathers don’t grow evenly all over the body but are in “tracts” - there are areas with feathers, and then strips of skin with no feathers. This allows them to keep from overheating. The ointment is not needed, I think. If there are no cuts, there is no infection, so antibiotics are not needed either. In fact they can cause kidney damage and liver damage in birds, so if it was my bird I would not give them any more either.

But that extreme head tilt s very wrong. The neck might be broken, or there might be inflammation in the brain causing pressure that affects the nerves. Either case is probably terribly painful. There is a chance that the inflammation could be temporary. It should be treated, though. Some birds get Celebrex for this, and there are other medications which might help. Imagine the worst headache you have ever had in your life - that may be what your poor bird is feeling.

Use your intuition. Do you feel the condition is improving? Do you sense the suffering is lessening? Is the bird able to eat and drink?
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

This is horrible! This little guy was flying just a short time ago! I hope this is just a reaction to the meds! Right now, I feel this little guy will have a very special place on the rainbow bridge because of what he is going through at this moment!
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Per your Thread: "We are giving her multi vitamins plus paracetamol and antibioti..."

- Please stop providing all of the above!!!
Per Texsize Post: "(whole body had wounds , bald patches and fever) sounds like she could be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics." I will add to that: plus the other items you are providing!

- Please do not use any cleaning products, only water! But even water would not be recommended at this time!

With caution, set your bird on a dry, clean, and small towel. Take great caution not to move her head!!! It is very likely, your bird has a broken neck and any movement of the neck from its current position will close the airway. Use the towel to both dry and warm your bird.

If the body becomes less effected by likely 'allergic reaction,' she will likely become more comfortable.

There is little to do regarding the neck and the heavy breaking other than to keep her comfortable an still until her passing comes.

Provide her love and warmth!

So very sorry.

FYI: I truly hope that I am wrong about the neck!
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Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

I spoke to two vets regarding neck both of them said if neck would have broken she would have died by now. He told us not to stop antibiotic at any point in time . God knows how to help
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Thanks did you see the twisted head? We haven't put ointment all over the body as it seems from the video

Can you check this video this is another clip I did in the afternoon
This little bird looks seriously ill to me as looks like she has a broken neck! Covering her in ointments could actually kill her they are so susceptible to being poisoned I suggest a vet ASAP!

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Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Have you spoken to the vet about her potential allergic reaction after being given the antibiotic? Have you been administering the antibiotic ointment in the exact amount prescribed by the vet? It looks like she has an awful lot of ointment on her. If she is having an allergy, the vet may have an alternative medication or may recommend you simply discontinue use. I get the need for an antibiotic after injury as my moms bird broke her foot once and quickly developed an infection at the break site despite no broken skin and needed antibiotics to treat the infection along with the foot injury itself treated. She was given a course of oral antibiotics though, not topical. I a a bit perplexed why topical antibiotics were given to a bird with no broken skin.

Lastly, what kind of temperatures are you having in India this time of year? Is she under a heat lamp or in a warm sunny window? If she has a brain injury and her brain is swollen inside the skull, excessive heat can exacerbate swelling. Normally, birds need extra warmth to heal but with a possible head injury extra warmth could be hurting more than helping. I'd see if moving her somewhere a few degrees cooler helps her feel better, somewhere still within comfortable room temperature range. Make sure she has water available and easy to access. I see she is sitting in a large dish of food, so if she's having trouble moving around, make sure she has some water that is very easy to get to too. A little (clean) soda bottle cap full of water or a small bowl in her big dish of food would be fine. Hope she pulls through this, poor little thing.
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Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Guys, thanks a lot for your support. Unfortunately our budgie died today because a rat ate her. What we were assuming infection was actually rat tried to eat her earlier but we came to the room and he ran away. Our whole point of budgie roaming freely all over the house was such a horrible thing ,our stupid compassion took her life .There is one left now we gave her to our neighbours who already have couple of budgies .
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Umm, no comment.
Can't think of anything good to say
Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Guys, thanks a lot for your support. Unfortunately our budgie died today because a rat ate her. What we were assuming infection was actually rat tried to eat her earlier but we came to the room and he ran away. Our whole point of budgie roaming freely all over the house was such a horrible thing ,our stupid compassion took her life .There is one left now we gave her to our neighbours who already have couple of budgies .
That is truly the most disgusting thing I've read to date, u ended this little budgies life in the utmost revolting way by not supplying her with a safe cage to put her in ... says alot about yr home a rat ate her! Hope u don't have any children! If u can't actually keep a budgie safe.

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Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

jesus... Just read this thread

I'm not going to go on a rant. I hope you feel guilty because you are

don't get any pets ever, you put that budgie through absolute hell

Re: My budgie head twisted and wet body

Guys, thanks a lot for your support. Unfortunately our budgie died today because a rat ate her. What we were assuming infection was actually rat tried to eat her earlier but we came to the room and he ran away. Our whole point of budgie roaming freely all over the house was such a horrible thing ,our stupid compassion took her life .There is one left now we gave her to our neighbours who already have couple of budgies .

I am very sorry your budgie passed away in such manner, a very upsetting and preventable turn of events.

Without passing judgement, it is likely cultural mores permit the free range of rodents in this locale. A shock and beyond the pale to others, this thread title now contains an advisory for those who follow....
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