Nasty experience this morning


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
Every morning when I get up, I toddle out to our outdoor dunny before uncovering the three bird cages. Every morning, I uncover the Beaks, wish them a cheery 'Good morning!' and then uncover the Lovies, speaking to each of them by name. Then, I uncover Dominic and open his cage door to take him on my hand and bring him inside. Dominic has never been much of a flyer, so he just steps sedately onto my finger and rides indoors with me, occasionally having a go at the mosquito netting on the back door justforkix.

Well, this morning, Dommie seemed a little agitated when I picked him up. I withdrew him from the cage and he immediately stuck his hat in the air and squawked. Before I knew it, he'd launched himself off my hand and taken off out into the back yard! He flew much more strongly than I've ever seen him fly before and he made it as far as the side fence, where he surveyed the neighbours' back yard with interest. As I approached him and said 'Step up', he stuck his hat up again, but was obedient and stepped onto my hand. I didn't think to grab hold of him, just turned to go back inside the house.

Next thing, Dom took off again, this time up into the Pittosporum tree that grows beside the dunny. Completely unable to do anything, I raced inside to call my son, Matthew. Matt came running and was able to reach up and step Dommie onto his finger, then gently cupped him between his hands so he couldn't fly again.

Whew! That was a close call! Dommie wouldn't last five minutes out in the big wide world, what with dogs and cats and raptors all over the place! So now, we have to think of a safer way to transfer Dominic between the indoors and the outdoors every day. My husband is going to be doing the (un) Happy Dance if I ask him to cut another hole in the house so Dommie can come indoors. LOL! Oh well. If that's what it takes... :D


New member
Feb 17, 2014
I just love reading your way of weaving a story although this one had me worried as well.:eek: Glad your son was able to get Dom back into the house without more scares for you! Silly boy scaring his mum like that!


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
Oh Trish whew!! I'm SO glad Dominic is safe and sound. Thank goodness. You sure don't need that again!
Dec 14, 2014
R.I.P Kiwiberry, GCC.
Wow... Happy it all worked out. I'd be frantic with worry if that happened to me, I reckon it'd take me a while to realise I should call someone for help, so you did good :)


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
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I've settled down a bit now. Dominic is parked up on his fridge having his arvo tea and I simply had to tell you the funny thing that just happened. :D

Seamus, our large ginger cat, just came to ask for a cuddle. Since I am typing, I told him 'no' and sent him packing. He kept coming back and back and back, so I put him down in the corner in the space next to my (open) computer case. The cats often sit there and watch me as I type.

(I digress to say we keep our computer cases open because sometimes they clag up in the summer heat. Keeping them open gives better air circulation and also allows me to remove heat-causing dust from the innards.)

Well, Seamus didn't sit down like a good boy, he stuck his nose into the computer and checked out out the system fan. There was a sudden 'dtdtdtdtdtdtdt' and Seamus yowled, having (not) enjoyed the sensation of having his nose up against the fan. He whirled round and guess what?

Yep! Tail - straight in the fan and, this time, through the protective grille! Seamus shot off like the arrow that flieth in the dark. :D :D :D

Poor Seamus. I know it's not funny, but - well - it kinda was. Really... :)


Supporting Member
Aug 21, 2010
San Diego, California USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Goffins: Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn / Citron: Alice / Eclectus: Angel /Timneh Grey: ET / Blue Fronted Amazon: Gonzo /

RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
Birds and cats are capable of so much surprise and mischief!!! Glad both events had safe outcomes!

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