Never underestimate a bird : They listen all the time


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Many members know the problem with the right hand, and that is the hand I now how to use, the pointer and thumb are the only working fingers.......

Last week I had an operation on my left shoulder, impingement and dislocated bicep, the most painful op ever, 6 days later and the pain is still so bad. I am getting there slowly but surly. I have to wear a sling for 3 weeks, 24/7.

Picture of the cut below (yuck)


Mishka has been so patient and understanding. Not once has he tried to bite the sling or show an fear of it.
After showering Mishka, he gets blow dried. Normally I would lift his wings and say, lift the wing, lets dry it. When drying him early this morning (cold here now) I could not lift his wing to dry it, he said to me................ lift the wing, lets dry it.... and he lifted his own wing for me to dry underneath.
Then politely turns around for me to do the other wing, THEN lifts his tail, for me to dry him underneath, (normally I would say bum in the air, and lift his tail)

I am amazed by how much Mishka understands........

what a lovely storry, yest they are clever, now you just have to lern hear to wash your hair and blow it
Hi Antoinette

I know how much pain you in I had a shoulder op in March 2010, my second :( and it took about four months to heal with about 6 weeks of physio. I had to wear that sling for 6 weeks and it not very comfortable. Hope you feeling better soon :)
Bag incision, no wonder it hurts so much. Mishka will kiss and make it much better. He is so loving to you and you to him. I wish everyone has such a bonded relationship with their pet bird.
He sounds so lovely, it's nice to see him almost looking out for you! At least he's making things a bit easier for you anyway. Hope you're feeling better soon. xo
That is such a warming and sweet story. I have to say, birds never cease to amaze me. They're such amazing animals. You are a very lucky person to own such a wonderful bird who obviously loves you very much.
I hope you heal quickly! Mishka is such a sweetie! Now if he can just fix you a nice cup of tea and maybe bring you an ice pack for your shoulder!
:30:Mishka is taking care of Mommie... he is such a sweet boy and soooooo smart.

I hope you are feeling better... I have a scar like that on my left shoulder.. had rotater (SP) cuff surgery back in 1998... that is painful... :31: thank goodness for drugs... :30:
It will take some time..but all will be good... just follow the doctor's instructions and do the exercises when he tells you to..

Mishka is being a good boy that will take care of his mommy and be patient while she is healing :).

Hope you'll feel and be better soon :).

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