New Baby Died:):) Don't know why?


New member
Jul 22, 2017
I'm so sad my daughter got an indian redneck parrot from a breeder and in less then 24 hours it died. It did not look right to me....although I've never owned any bird....the breeder said it was picked on by it's siblings and was "weak and timid". It was missing feathers from its head and body (she stated due to her siblings) and initially unable to perch it seemed she had loose poops. My daughter was diligent in contacting the breeder for support and and was consistently reassured the bird was fine. The breeder did refund the money but was rather defensive and unfortunately not comforting. I am so sad and confused, that bird was so beautiful.
Does anyone know why is would have died?
So sorry for your loss. The only way of definitely finding out what was the matter is to have a necropsy performed by a Cert Avian Vet.

Most breeders are running a business and that probably explains the lack of empathy along with the fact that they see dead or dying babies on a regular basis. It is a fact of life that not all survive or are meant to.
How old was the baby? Did you take the bird to the vet?
Unfortunately it could be from many things and only a necropsy can tell you for sure. Your breeder sounds horrible!

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I'm sorry for your loss, that must have been an awful experience for you and your daughter. It sounds like the bird may have been sick when you brought it home. Was the bird fully weaned are were you hand feeding the little guy? Hand feeding is a lot trickier than some breeders lead you to believe. Shame on the breeder but please learn from the experience, it's better to pay a higher price for a fully weaned, healthy bird.
I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter's baby bird. I agree that the breeder sounds horrible.
I'm sorry for your loss, and I will also agree the breeder sounds awful. If you decide to get another baby in the future, please seek out a different breeder, even if it means a higher price. It is often worth it.

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My condolences for the loss of your daughter's bird. As others have posted, a necropsy by a certified avian vet may determine the cause. The breeder seems unethical and should not have released an ailing bird.

I am sorry you both endured a sad experience and hope the future will be brighter.
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Thank you everybody for the encouragement. We went to a bird shop today that was exceptional and purchased a healthy 1 year old bee bee bird. When we told the shop our story he knew the breeder immediately because they won't buy birds from that breeder and another couple was in earlier in week after their bird died from this breeder. All of the birds looked healthy and we were able to visit with the birds and my daughter ended up falling in love with a different breed but a wonderful bird who was a little older and already socialized, great for us because she is a new bird mama. was actually significantly cheaper. I feel this breeder should be reported...any suggestions on how to go about that?
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Oh and the bird who died was 14 weeks old....and compared to the birds we saw today...seemed very sick and fragile (we just thought it was because she was a baby). I buried it in my yard and I just feel so bad for that bird and the birds in her care.
Yelp reviews, other online reviews, if the breeder has a Facebook page review it there. I don't think bird breeding is regulated so there wouldn't be a board you could report to. But I might be wrong and someone more knowledgeable than I may have a better answer.

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if you have an animal welfare group like England's RSPCA report to them about what happened. It sounds like this person is keeping the birds in unsafe conditions and selling knowingly sick animals which in many places is illegal. Unfortunately going by things here they'll get banned from owning that species for 5 years. But hopefully it's enough time for their funds to dwindle to a point they can't afford to start up again
Sorry to hear of the death of your daughters IRN. The good news is BeeBee parrots are great little parrots and will soon be a part of the family. My little Max was a beebee parrot and he loved being with his family, eating dinner with us ( his own food of course). They are one species that actually seek out human companionship in the wild. Not much talkers, but can whistle quite well. Good luck
Thank you everybody for the encouragement. We went to a bird shop today that was exceptional and purchased a healthy 1 year old bee bee bird. When we told the shop our story he knew the breeder immediately because they won't buy birds from that breeder and another couple was in earlier in week after their bird died from this breeder. All of the birds looked healthy and we were able to visit with the birds and my daughter ended up falling in love with a different breed but a wonderful bird who was a little older and already socialized, great for us because she is a new bird mama. was actually significantly cheaper. I feel this breeder should be reported...any suggestions on how to go about that?

So pleased for your new addition, we would love to know his/her name and see a pic or two?

If you put up where you are in the world you are located, perhaps someone can help you better with some suggestions? :)
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Thanks all, we are in Seattle Washington USA, the original breeder was Whidbey Birds was the first breeder with the sick bird, good idea, we will make sure to hit up her reviews. The bird store was Wings of the World in Bothell Washington. We were a little nervous to go to a pet store, but it was nothing like the chain stores we are use to...just a very cool community store, I highly recommend it.
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Thanks all, we are in Seattle Washington USA, the original breeder was Whidbey Birds was the first breeder with the sick bird, good idea, we will make sure to hit up her reviews. The bird store was Wings of the World in Bothell Washington. We were a little nervous to go to a pet store, but it was nothing like the chain stores we are use to...just a very cool community store, I highly recommend it.

Yes good point, as much as some pet stores aren't the best it odes typically seem to be the chain stores such as petco and what-not. Independent stores have more to lose in an animal dying and reputation so they're forced to care more than most about the animals in their care. Also they choose to set up the store so they already do care

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