new eyes


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Hello forum, thanks for having me. It will be nice to join the conversation with other bird nuts. I contribute to two other sites but this is quite different. I am a health care worker who works part time so I can give my very spoiled Western Corella (Cacatua pasternator butleri) Dusty Wingfield at least four hours out every day yet have time for two dogs; Chloe,Tia, three cats, Splodge, Imp, and Nymrod ..oh yeah and my partner. Dusty has a companion budgie, Alice Cooper, to keep her company while I'm away at work. When I ordered my parrot from the breeder she told me to read up on my bird and to keep up with developements in the avicultural world to best be able to care for it (her). So I read three magazines monthly, have read everything in our library system, and haunt the net...hopefully I can learn more and share some of what I've learned in ten years of "study".


New member
May 19, 2009
Alice Cooper fan? Never got into him much but I like The Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana.
You'll be finding some great advice here!

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