new here/ military mccaws


New member
Nov 26, 2011
hi i am new here and was wondering what everyones experience was who is owned by a miliary mccaw. i have owned parrots my whole life so am not inexperienced most of them large but never a mccaw any way i wondered what it was like to live with a military i was going to get a blue and gold or a green wing but a breeder i like has some military babies and i just know next to nothing about them thanks.

Tracy F


New member
Feb 18, 2011
1 nanday conure Black Jack, 1 Brotogeris parakeet Whiff, 1 ring neck dove Eliza, and 6 society finches (3 are tame). RIP my parent pairs of societies and my little gouldian finches
i dont own one, but my local pet store says the BG macaws and military macaws are the nicest, but when i looked them up online i heard they were a little nippy, but i cant personaly attest to this because i dont own one, hope i helped :)


New member
Mar 9, 2011
7 Year old SI Eclectus named Guapo, I have a 6 year old GW Macaw named Neleno
First of all, welcome to the Board. My brother owns a rescue Military Macaw names Ricky. Poor Ricky has many issues sad to say and I believe they come from his previous owner and being neglected. First of all, if my Brother has company over, Ricky screams non stop, his company has to be entertained by going outside. Ricky is a one person Macaw but then again, lots of Macaws tend to have their favorite person. Ricky refuses to eat well, he will not eat fruit nor veg. He likes his pellet mix and nuts. He is very nippy even to my brother he loves. When I talk to my brother in the same room with ricky and my brother, he will bite my brother pretty bad and my brother has had many stiches because of this.
I own a Green Wing macaw names Neleno who is a one person Macaw as well, he is very quiet, very gentle with me. He kisses me a lot and that sometimes gets overwelming. I take Neleno my Green wing everywhere so our bond is very strong. I beleive that most Macaws or Parrots will be nippy once in a while, you just have to learn their body language and signs. Your most Gentle of all Macaws are the Hy and Green wing, then the Bluethroat, B&G, Military, scarlet Macaws. There are hybrind Macaws also out there but this is for the Large purebred Macaws. I would advise you before purchasing a Macaw is to spend time with a Macaw that you are interested in, learn as much about them as possible. Let the Macaw choose you, this means if you go to a breeder and she has 4 macaws, place all 4 on the floor, sit with them for a while and see what Macaw keeps coming back to you time and time again.Macaws will out live you so before your purchase make sure you have someone to take care of them if something happens to you. Best of luck on what you deside.Thanks Joe


New member
Nov 26, 2011
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thanks everyone for your input. the breeder i chose is small they have 3 2 month old babies i will be going to see on the 17ththey are socialized with children dogs etc and spend lots of time with their babies.they should be ready to come home in febuary.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
I also agree whenever possible to let a bird choose you. That is how I got my Nanday conure, lol! I just knew I wanted a new bird, wanted to try something other than a budgie and conures were high on my list for a next bird. However, it was January and I was planning to wait til spring to get one. I was also going to buy from a breeder and not a pet store. But, I happened to be there, she made it very clear she wanted me to take her home, and we've been together for almost 12 years now. She basically came into my house like she'd lived here her entire life, there was no needing to get used to me because she chose me, lol! The first evening she came right out for me and ate half my dinner.

Every bird I've owned has been a great companion, but with my others, there was much more time invested in earning their trust. With the one that chose me, it was like we'd always been together.

I have been chosen since then by many other birds in pet stores, but unfortunately, I can't have them all.

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