Newbie Needs Advice!


New member
Jul 16, 2017

My name is Curtis I'm 24 years old and just today acquired Chicco a 4 year old CAG.

I have been doing a lot of reading and watching of videos on caring for a CAG.

I went to view a couple before deciding which would be best for me to re-home and this is how chicco and I came to be together. While viewing him he seemed obviously a little shy however he did allow me to scratch his neck multiple times without any aggressive behaviour

Although I have read and see much about care and training we are having a little bit of an issue trying to get chicco out of the travel cage, he has become quite aggressive and does strike to bite if you attempt to interact with him on any level, he also seems very frantic. We have been home for around 3 hours with no change in his behaviour.

I fully understand that travel, a new environment and new family can be incredibly unstablising for a parrot and is very much so to be expected, however I would be grateful for any advice on how we can move our relationship further.

He will accept small pieces of fresh banana from my hand through the bars however any attempt to feed him from inside the cage results in him striking me.

I am very keen to establish our bond and would love for him to be primarily cageless as I work from home and need a companion. (he spent a great deal of time out of the cage in his previous home)

Thank you Curtis & Chicco
Welcome to the forums, Curtis and Chicco!

So it appears the relationship is as new as new gets! I assume you have been attempting to move Chicco from the travel to permanent cage? He is likely very confused, scared, and a bit angry. CAGs are incredibly sensitive to any changes, so a slow and patient approach is best.

Most important is to respect his physiological and psychological needs. Ensure a small amount of food and water in the travel cage, vs a generous amount in the permanent home. Place the two cages next to each other and give him some time and space. Judging by your post time and registration zone, you are in the UK area and it is now well into the night! No problem if Chicco spends the night in the travel cage with food/water.

Your desire to keep him primarily cageless is admirable, but in the interim he may find it the source of security. The good news is a bird used to freedom will happily regress given the opportunity!

You may find the following threads helpful:

Good luck, a close bond with a CAG is a wonderful gift! Please keep us updated and ask questions!

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