Not-so Gourmet Biscuits


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Calgary, AB
Toulouse- Cinnamon Green Cheeked Conure
I just wanted to let everyone know about my experiences with "Biscotti Gourmet Biscuits." my sister picked a bag up at Petland, and her birds loved them. Apparently Biscotti prides in being a healthy bird snack, to be mixed in with your birds everyday diet.

However much my sisters birds love them-until she noticed that they change their poop. For a while she was panicking at why Aree's droppings were bright blue, and Indy's hot pink.

Care to guess?

She read the back and saw all the preservatives, artifical colors and flavors, and she threw her bag out. I just wanted to warn everyone about this experience.

This thread is extremely similar to one posted on Bird Board, It was posted by Xavier (My sister) and she gave me permission to somewhat copy her thread so that I could notify you other parrot-lovers about the Gourmet Biscuits. The thread was very well written, so it wasn't changed much.



New member
Jan 14, 2010
United States
Pineapple & Sunshine--Gray/wildtype male cockatiels
Wow, that's scary. You really have to watch those ingredients, often the list of preservatives can go on and on. Just plain nasty.

Thanks for sharing, I'll be sure to stay away from those.

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