Odd memory of childhood budgie - ???


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
This afternoon, we were all commenting on how much Dominic's tumours have shrunk over the past twelve months. As we did, I had a strange memory of the first bird I ever knew as a child - well - mostly, of the strange thing that happened to him. I thought I'd run it by you guys to see what you thought. I know I'm not dreaming, because I checked it with my sister and she remembers it too.

Dad gave Mum a yellow budgie called 'SweetiePie' when I was two. Sweetie lived in your typical (inadequate) budgie cage all his life. He was never tamed and never came out: he just sat on his perch and occasionally pecked at his bell or his mirror. He lived on 'Budgie Seed' from the supermarket and the occasional bit of lettuce or grass if anyone thought to give it to him.

When Sweetie was about twelve years old, a brownish-coloured tumour began to form on his lower abdomen. It looked for all the world as though it were brown-coloured skin enclosing about a teaspoonful of budgie seed! It grew over time until it reached about the size of a large kalamata olive. The vet had no idea what it was (he shamelessly said 'I do dogs and cats - I dunno about birds. Let me put that one down for you and you can get another one!') Of course, we never went back there again, but no vet had any clue about what was happening to Sweetie.

Well, when Sweetie was about fourteen and I was about sixteen (doing my Higher School Certificate exam year), I got up one morning and went to clean his cage. There, on the floor was - you guessed it! The tumour! I caught Sweetie and there was no trace of a wound or anything that I could see. Sweetie lived on happily and never grew another tumour. He passed away during my second year away at Uni, so he would have been around eighteen or nineteen years of age.

Now, my question is, was the thing that Sweetie had your common 'fatty tumour' that birds get? Looking at Dom's, there's a definite similarity. Dom's looks like pale, dry skin stretched over a little bag of seeds. The part I just don't get is how or why such a tumour would simply drop off like that! The vet had no idea and made jokes about it (which only made me disrespect him more). The tumour was solid and felt sort of rubbery, not grainy. When I cut it in half, it was soft and fell apart. The final tumour was about the size of a marble, that is, rather smaller than it had been when stuck to the little bird.

Has anyone else had a budgie with a fatty tumour? More to the point, has anyone's budgie dropped the tumour overnight and gone on to live a happy life? I'd love to hear from anyone who can shed light on this, as I have no idea what was going on at the time!


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Sep 14, 2013
Columbus, GA
Eclectus, CAG, BH Pionus, Maximilian’s Pionus, Quakers, Indian Ringnecks, Green Cheeked Conures, Black Capped Conures, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Budgies, Canaries, Diamond Doves, Zebra Finches, Society F
Wow, I have never heard of anything like that! I would try to find an actual avian vet who might know. And what a horrible vet!


New member
Dec 9, 2013
Wow, your bird lived for a long time. I hope my bird lives that long--what is the secret?

Just curious, but if he was the only budgie how come he was never tamed? I thought loner budgies are generally easier to tame. In Sept., I got my first budgie (he was around 3 to 4 months---had stripes on his forehead) and it took me four months before my bird liked me---I admit that was a lot of work and I was frustrated but luckily he started to like me. I cannot imagine how I would feel if he was never tamed. I get jealous when I read that someone was able to tame their bird in few weeks or only a month. Now it is sooo awesome when he flies to me.


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Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
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I've never heard of such a thing happening....how strange....IF you find something out, please to let me know cause I'm curious to know now....


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Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
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OMG :11: That is such a strange thing that it just fell off! Like his body just healed from it, then pushed it off and shed it. That sounds so unreal, but thank goodness, since he lived years after that. That is THE OLDEST Budgie I have ever heard of.

We just got our two Budgies a year and 3 months ago. Pix has "something" wrong with him, but it's not a fatty tumor (at least the vet doesn't think so). He does have fat all around his body though, despite no seed and a lean diet. He ballooned to 51 grams within 6 months. My vet says Budgies are so small they can't do a full blood panel cause it takes too much blood, as does a thyroid test. He's on treatment with iodine to try to regulate his thyroid should it be that. He also has a sort of ballooned out look to his upper chest, poops as big as a cockatiel even on his regulated diet... and now his poops smell, so I'm awaiting an answer from the fecal culture. His best friend Twigs who he hangs out with is fine and normal.

Back to your story Trish, that would be interesting if you found out what in the heck the tumor falling off was all about! I'm glad Dommie's tumors have shrunk too :)


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
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@HeyHey - he was never tamed because my parents came from a generation that kept its birds in tiny cages and fed them seeds. I tried to tame Sweetie when I was a teenager, but I had no idea how to go about it and gave up after a short time. He was very old by then anyway.

@Mikey - I know! I thought it was amazing at the time, but I think it's even more amazing now I know a bit more! Looking at Dom's tumours, I keep thinking it would only take a quick slice across the skin to release the contents and lose it. I wonder to myself whether maybe Sweetie had been biting at the thing and done exactly that. But I saw no evidence or warning of it (eg. blood spots etc) and neither did Mum. Jus the weird little ball on the cage floor.

@Raven - yes, I was reading Pix' story with great interest! If his poops smell, it makes me wonder whether there's something really awry with his fat metabolism. Do they (the poops) look greasy or oily to you? It might be a liverish thing? (NB. I am not a vet - just a person with an unholy interest in anatomy and physiology LOL!) Please keep us updated about little Pix, won't you? He's another on our list of battlers and I'm sure everyone's hoping for the best on his behalf. :)

My sister was visiting yesterday and she's amazed how much Dom's tumours have shrunk. He used to have a massive apron of fat going from mid-breast right down to the ground. He could hardly walk because of the size and weight of it. Now, it's smaller than a walnut - maybe a medium sized olive? - and just dangles off his tummy without going anywhere near the ground. He can walk and climb and fly! Yay! :D :D :D

(Oh, and the yellow fatty deposits under his wings seem to have vanished as well).

I guess the reason I posted about Sweetie's tumour is that most of you guys are in touch with rather more specialised avian vets than I've got access to. If you happened to mention it to your vet and he knew the answer... well, then, we'd all know! :D


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Male Eclectus- Oscar and Female Eclectus- Scarlet
I remember as a kid out first budgie, buddy. He got a tumour and he was about 16, the vet put him down, but him never fell off. Something I have never ever heard of, very interesting!

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