Parrot bicycle?


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Has anyone seen these for sale? I mean Amazon sized, all I can find are Macaw/Cockatoo sized ones. That and a small shopping cart? I am running out of new tricks to teach Salty.
Have him make your coffee in the morning, bring in the newspaper, rubix cube? Teach him to play checkers? (as long as you dont mind losing! )

Hes too smart!
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Rubux cube - lol that's funny. Because if there is one thing Salty likes to do to F with me is purposely mess up color training ( put the blue ring into the red box). He 100% knows how to do it right, he just likes to F with me sometimes. I can only imagine what he would do to a Rubix Cube.
Tax time is right around the corner...oh wait...he already knows how to do them...

Is he potty trained?
I had a budgie a long time ago who was potty trained, I had a tissue out on my desk for her to go on. I taught her to throw away the tissue when she was done, she even learned who to get out a new one. It made my job a lot easier.

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OH! You made me look. I thought it would be an interesting thing to build in my copious spare time. Then I remembered I didn't have any such thing. I found people who do, though.. One store in PA is Riding Props - parrotprops and they also have a Facebook page. And stainless steel bikes! Shopping carts, tic tac toe games, all sorts of things that Salty can put on his little wish list.
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Wow, this is exactly what we are looking for, thanks!
If you teach Salty to play tic-tac-toe, I will personally buy him the biggest toy he can chew. If there is video, of course.

Oh! Any chance you could train him to wear a tiny eye patch?
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Does he have to win? Everytime? I like the slide, shopping cart, tic-tak-toe, the barrel, the tunnel, the little red wagon ( that's so cute), piggy bank, the mail boxes - hell Salty would use them all!

No dice on the eye patch. I have a little pirate hat for him, but he is not crazy about wearing it,
On a serious note, I have five things that I would like you to train Salty to allow you to do.

First item, it involves several steps from being comfortable with you placing the palm of your hand on his back while he is on your finger. Second, comfortable with you tilting him back and with time so that he is now resting in your hand with his claws in the air (at first still holding on to your fingers and second just laying in the palm of your hand). Next, with him holding on to your finger, yet still on the palm of your hand, lower your hand away so that he is upside down holding on to your finger with his claws.

Second item, with Salty on your finger, work so that he will hold lightly onto your finger of one hand while he still has his claws holding onto the other hand's finger. Now work to place Salty's back against your chest.

The goal of these multi positions is to allow you to 'present' Salty for viewing as part of a Avian Vet Examination. I.E. working so that Salty only needs to be toweled for only a few, if any minutes, while at the AV's examination.

Third item: This item builds on Salts' comfort with you and uses the combination of the above learned 'tricks,' so as to position Salty so that he will allow you to rest his chest to your ear. This will allow you to hear his heart rate. This will allow you to have a really tool that you can use to very quickly learn the sound of his heart at different states. I.E. At a Rested State, at an Active Rate and a Stressed Rate.

This group of Tricks will allow you and your AV greater /easier access for both an at home examination and when at the AV's office.

Clearly not as fun as a Parrot Bicycle, but fun and useful none the same.
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Just to add to Sailboats post on useful things/tricks re AV visits, is Salty syringe trained? Really useful if you ever need it and have to administer meds, take it from me!
Does he have to win? Everytime? I like the slide, shopping cart, tic-tak-toe, the barrel, the tunnel, the little red wagon ( that's so cute), piggy bank, the mail boxes - hell Salty would use them all!

No dice on the eye patch. I have a little pirate hat for him, but he is not crazy about wearing it,

He doesn't have to win ever. To paraphrase an old movie saying, "The only way to win is to play" (War Games)
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"Boats , Salty will do pretty much all of those already. When we play /wrestle, he is on his back and my hands are all over him. Those are good ideas for us to work further on though. They love him at the vets, and even when they have to towel him, he never offers to bite the tech. They call him Amazon lite. He is very calm about towels because thats a part of our play time too, playing tug-o-war and wrapping him up to play peek-aboo. And yes, he is syringe friendly - every couple of months I make us a really thin batch of baby formula and give him a few syringes, as much as he will take ( usually 4-5 ), Thats kinda neat because he goes into his baby feeding head jerking motion and it reminds me of when we brought him home.
Okay, how about teaching him some of Rbird's tricks, like... yelling OWWWWWW and then biting you?
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Tic-tac-toe game ordered. LOL, try explaining that one to your SO! Thankfully the Queens wife loves our little feddered boy.
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Since the first site was non- responsive , I made the tunnel and ladder tricks my self ( and their prices wee crazy), and I found a cute animated bank ( you may have seen my posts on Salty doing all of these tricks. I started teaching him to play cards and he can pick the King out of a full Gin Rummy hand. Wish I could find that tic-tac-toe game, I think Salty may actually like to play it, rather then just doing a trick.

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