Penny is sick, I've been holding back making a thread


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Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
No. She has had zero sneezing, or wheezing, or tail bob.

The first morning she was just extremely full out fluffed. Squinting eyes, and ever so slightly keeping her head turned to the right, thst head tilt did worsen later. It wasn't till late tge second day that she started scratching her nostrils, infrequently. Id have to look back to see when the nostril on the right was first wet. She has still never sneezed.
She was septic tho, thats why at first she also had diarrhea.

I'm sorry to ask questions when you are going through so much, but if it were me, I'd be happy to get my mind off of things, so I hope it's okay that I ask on behalf of Noodles....

You saw that discharge BEFORE the scratching? I am hoping Noodles is okay. Was it dry or wet when you first saw it? Vet still hasn't called me back...She's playing in her bath dish right now and she does eat oatmeal daily, but just having a hard time knowing because she is always weird on cloudy days and it has been strange weather lately...NOT HIJACKING THE THREAD!!! Just trying to make sure I learn something, because it's so easy to feel like I'm over-thinking things.


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Noodles of course I want to help you and yiur parrot!! I consider these thread's a conversation, you are not hijack

Quakers nostrils are covered by feathers, so you never see the nostrils. Unlike my conure or other species that have bare skin nares around the nostrils.

The first morning when I woke up and she was sick, I examined her, felt around, found and saw nothing. Then she had explosive diarrhea while I was holding her, so I thought was gi issue.

She wasn't moving. So she wasn't scratching her nose. Yesterday I think, when she escaped the cage, I held her. She scratched a couple of times, and later nostrils was wet.
Then I see it be wet and hervscrstch here and there.

Hope thst helps, but crusty or stains above the nostrils can also be a sign from my reading


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Noodles of course I want to help you and yiur parrot!! I consider these thread's a conversation, you are not hijack

Quakers nostrils are covered by feathers, so you never see the nostrils. Unlike my conure or other species that have bare skin nares around the nostrils.

The first morning when I woke up and she was sick, I examined her, felt around, found and saw nothing. Then she had explosive diarrhea while I was holding her, so I thought was gi issue.

She wasn't moving. So she wasn't scratching her nose. Yesterday I think, when she escaped the cage, I held her. She scratched a couple of times, and later nostrils was wet.
Then I see it be wet and hervscrstch here and there.

Hope thst helps, but crusty or stains above the nostrils can also be a sign from my reading

thank you-- I will watch her I guess, as I can't get my vet to call me back any sooner than what they decide to do--- worst case I could take her in on emergency tomorrow...Hoping she's okay-- I was able to scratch off the flakes, but again, so hard to tell if it came from in her nose, or from her claw when she touched her face.

I have my fingers crossed for Penny- how is she?


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This is sick Penny, eyes squinting all the time. You can see feathers cover nares. And after draining they dry and look normal, till more fluid drains.

I just took this because she had draining again and itched feathers away from nostril. You can see still squinting. Poor poor baby . It will dry and look completely normal later, till it happens again. FYI Penny plucks around her neck, when I rescued her 2 years ago she was plucked, sometimes more feathers, sometimes less.

Hope Noodles is ok! I'm useless at advice at this point because right now everything is an emergency to me.
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
She's a lovely girl-- so precious, really. Keep up the good work...even if that means that you have to drink a bottle of wine and eat some ice cream ;)

I really am thinking of you guys-- Penny is lucky to have such a vigilant mom!


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Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Well Laura I'm just so pleased pretty Penny is still with us as I wake up this morning! I think it's a testament to the great care and nutrition that she has had since she's been with you that has given her the strength to fight. Praying she is able to get on top of this thing soon!


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Hi Laura, I don't get to visit the forum much but I do check it out here and there.

I hope Penny's feeling a little better today. I know how it is to deal with sick birds. You wish you could take their pain and discomfort away. You always do the best for your flock, she's in great hands.

I'm praying for Penny and Noodles. Strength and warmth . They will get better!!
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Thank you Boom Boom for stopping by and offering well wishes.

She is eating better, a little perked up. Most of her time is sleeping fluffed. I keep waiting for the rapid turn around, but its slow going.....


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I've had some requests for what I use as a heat source. I have a radiant heat panel I git from Avitech 20 or more years ago. The company that now offers the exact sane radiant heat panel is Sweeter Heater, abd can be found on Amazon under that name. The smallest size is more than enough for any parrot, usually you still have to set back 6 or more inches from cage, and take care nit to cover the cage, and watch fir over heating. Hold your hand a few inches from panel and keep moving your hand bsck till you feel that tge right amont of heat. It is not a heat lamp it s radiant heat.. I am 100% against heat lamps. Please do not share any stories of a heat lamp in this thread, I am that against them! But feel free to share if you use something else like a heated perch, or what ever. I'm hesitant to use a hot water bottle , unless I'm there to change it out as it cools. Because once it cools it will leach the heat from your bird. BUT using a hot water bottle as you take your bird to the vet is an excellent idea, and I recommend it if you are transporting a sick bird. Or even a well bird in cold weather. You can also heat up towels in tge dryer to cover the cage with on the way.
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One of my hindsight symptoms. Penny had really started dunking everything in her water bowl.. maybe even up to 2 weeks ago.. thus was abnormal for her, she only puts pellets in water bowl once in awhile, then she started putting everything in her water bowl, including seeds. It was driving me nuts hiw gross she was making her water.. and should would pick up a pumpkin seed, her favorite and drop it..
And she started jumping in the budgie millit bowl and eat like she was starved...normally the big birds ignore the millit bowl and my only thought at tge time was oh you weird bird... sigh

So I thought hmm, maybe this batch is just extra hard...and started breaking them in half for her, and she would eat them

She also started eating less veggies, but since I struggle with her on veggies.. I didn't think much about it

Now! My theory is she had pain from her sinues!!!! She was trying to make things softer. Millit was easier to eat.. And since the all out sick she will only eat soft foods. Im feeling this theory is spot on. And will try and pick up changes like that, " next" time
I'm going to check with vet abd see if pain meds need to be added

Im just feeling sad. I wish I could wake her up and snug on her. Today I tried to get her to come out for snuggle, but she didn't want to.. im not the only one, Pikachu trys to jump in cage every time I'm trying to feed her...he misses his buddy, he also try to hang on her cage next to her. She doesn't want company, so I have to keep Pikachu caged more
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
I will be thinking of you guys-- I know the feeling and it's truly awful, but I just hope that penny rallies--- there have been some close calls here and I just want you to know that we all are rooting for you...


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May 27, 2020
Is there a way to give Penny oxygen? Reading on respiratory system of birds, oxygen Is so important for them and is what there body was built for - to efficiently take in oxygen. I am sure already know about their respiratory system. I have been lucky in the past have been able to have oxygen support to help my birds recover from an illness or traumatic event (egg bound). Intent their cage and put the oxygen line near them.

In a power outage I used heated hand packs under a small travel cage for heat support. I also play healing binaural beats - I know your suppose to use head phones with them but I just play the binaural on my phone sometimes and you can see a difference in everyone and how relaxed they become. Wishing you and Penny well.


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Just catching up. All of my thoughts are with you and Penny.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Yippie@@! Guess who woke me up squawking!!!+ yes Ms. PENNY!!!!
Pitiful voice change squawking, but I love it
Penny never let's me she always squawking and calling, its taken 5 days for her to wake me!!! Soon happy
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Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Oh thank heavens for that!! Yay Penny, I can almost hear you squawking from here :) Now you be a good girl and eat everything your mum gives you today, ok? Thank you so much for the update Laura, I'm so happy for you both!


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Is there a way to give Penny oxygen? Reading on respiratory system of birds, oxygen Is so important for them and is what there body was built for - to efficiently take in oxygen. I am sure already know about their respiratory system. I have been lucky in the past have been able to have oxygen support to help my birds recover from an illness or traumatic event (egg bound). Intent their cage and put the oxygen line near them.

In a power outage I used heated hand packs under a small travel cage for heat support. I also play healing binaural beats - I know your suppose to use head phones with them but I just play the binaural on my phone sometimes and you can see a difference in everyone and how relaxed they become. Wishing you and Penny well.

I'm sure that oxygen would have benefits. In the hospital sometimes they put them in an incubator with warmth. And pipe in extra oxygen. Maybe we can add to tye ornithology thread some of the science, or articles on this. Hand packs sound like a fantastic idea, as long as fumes aren't a worry? And parrots can't reach to chew on them. This is the first I have heard of binary beat, I need to learn more. Thank you for your ideas and support!


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Hoping Penny has a better night and wakes with clear improvement. Sending the most intense healing vibes to Penny, strength for Laura!
Those Vibes worked!
Her vocals woke me for the first time since this started!! She has also moved away from the heat, for the first time! Its early but she is still not eating, nit at her food bowl. I did get her to eat tiny amounts of quinoa, a couple beakfulls of yogurt,


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Probably goes without saying but do not use those hand warmer packs with oxygen. I think the radiant heater is okay as it's fairly low temp. But if anyone goes that route, definitely suggest double-checking that as well.

(And for anyone else reading this -- if at any time using Oxygen do Not use any sort of very-hot-element heater nor any sort of open flame!)

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