Pet Psychic Experience


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
I have to run this by you, friends. I really do. Sorry for the long read.
Okay, I'm well-known for my superstitions and belief in magical foolishness, but this may be... over the top. A lifelong friend has utilized 'pet psychics' and 'animal communicators' for ages with her dogs. I'm too cheap (and, I guess, still a little too cynical to spring for it) but she was recently insistent to the point of gifting me a 'session' (for the Rickeybird) with her latest favorite, whom she swears is the best ever. I resisted as long as I could, but... yep, I did it.
The results were provided via 'transcript' of the 'remote' session/conversation with the Rb. The report I received was beautifully written, comprehensive, professional. I'm very glad I did it. The findings were truly helpful, inspiring, reassuring, very enjoyable, but... hey... maybe predictable for an intuitive, intelligent student of animal behavior.
But there was this one thing. Here we go.
One of the psychic's routine offerings is to tell the person what the animal has named that owner. This name is said to be a mystical, meta-language, essence-ethereal thing. Well, of course, everybody knows that the Rb clearly calls me GAIL... summons me thus, demands services thus, yells thus into my face when offering regurgitation. Captured many times on video.
But wait, there's more.
The transcript reported that the Rb has given me his personal name of "Pretty Poppy".
For years, Kirby (my ol' man) and my closest 4-5 friends/family have heard the Rb SCREAM "Pretty Puppy" at me when he feels threatened or challenged... when they get too close to me (the Rb allows no touching!)... or when he is getting ready to bite me for inattention. That's what we ASSUMED he was trying to say. The Rb knows the word "pretty" and there are lots of dogs in our group, we figured, so he must have picked up "puppy", and then must have just jumbled the words together, as parrots do, sometimes, buttt...
When I shared this finding with these individuals, they all just about passed out. And they are all absolute skeptics and realists. Friends, the Rb IS saying PRETTY POPPY. And in a seemingly purposeful way.
Most of my friends/family have talked themselves out of taking this seriously, several days later.
I am absolutely POSITIVE that I have never written/posted about "Pretty Puppy" anywhere online, nor have I talked about it with ANYBODY other than the very few who have heard it for themselves.
I have begun asking the Rb, "am I your Pretty Poppy?" I will get this on video... but he replies with his version of my obnoxious giggle, head bobs, giggles, more giggles, again, again...
So there you go.
I can give you the psychic's website, privately, if you want it.
Have any of you had similar experiences? What do you think?
Pretty Poppy


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
you gotta change you user name now to pretty poppy. that's honestly so cute.


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
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No matter what I/we conclude about it, it really was a delightful experience!
xo, PP


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
I think it could be real (crazy as it sounds). I have had many odd experiences myself and I think certain people are sensitive....(and I am a very "show me the proof" kind of gal). When I was a kid (6 years old),I had a dream that my hamster drown in a sump pump 2 states away--I didn't even know what a sump-pump was, or that the neighbors watching my pet had one. I woke up at my granmother's house,walked to breakfast and said, "Cherrio is dead, isn't he?" My mom protested and looked really disturbed when I began to cry and insisted that she wasn't being honest--apparently, about 1-2 hours earlier, she had gotten the call saying that he was dead (I was sleeping 2 floors away in the attic and I was totally alone, so I couldn't have heard it and he did drown in a sump-pump..In my dream, I just knew that he ran out of air and fought a lot to survive). I also dreamed that my fish died (without showing symptoms)...and when I woke up, he was dead....Mind you, nothing had precipitated that would have led me to believe that anything could or would go wrong. It was totally random and totally accurate. These weird premonitions all happened before I was 8 and they were right every time...Oh- and then in highschool, I knew our dog had bone cancer (again, no real symptoms). This saga has continued with people and it is very odd (thankfully, my batting average is closer to 80% with people, which is a relief)..Such a creepy kid! (ugh!!!) poor parents. It isn't like I am a psychic, but if I can pick up on things like that, surely there are professionals out there who can do it better.

I know that sounds crazy, but seriously, there must have been something that I picked up on...There are likely people out there who are A) psychic or B) in-tune enough with animals that you may as well call them psychic...Then there are the quacks, but at the end of the day, if what they say is meaningful, then why not?
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Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
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Yeah, yeah... as Shakespeare said...
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hey, Hamlet is pointing out how little even the most educated people can explain.
Thank you for your thoughts, dear buddy.
I was SHAKEN... so were my kins... until they got their boundaries back up, ya know?
Today's superstition is tomorrow's science. To wit: it was once thought that evil spirits passed from one to another, causing disease... so ya oughtn't get too close to sick folks...
then GERMS were discovered.
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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
O think that is really awesome! I love that he gave you a nick name, and a pretty one.

I had a rescue dog, that had horrible screaming nightmares nearky every night of the ten years I had him. I very much would have liked to now what caused them. He had no fear of hitting, or anything I could attribute to abuse... If he was still alive I would very much try the physic!!!!!!!!

Once years ago doing an internship in Kansas City , MO, I had to drive my boss and several people to a meeting because I had a big car. So of course we were on a road I have never been on before in my life. We were all talking having fun and I was speeding. I all of a sudden slammed on the breaks, and everyone asked why.....I said when we turn the corner a big white dog will be in the middle of the road. When we came around the corner there was a big white dog in the middle of the road!!!!! I don't even know where those words came from when they came out of my mouth! We were all flabbergasted!! O guess my angel was looking out for me that day..

So yes I think there is more in this world than has been explained yet. Or as my mermaid key chain says, if you aren't looking for magic, you don't find it . ;)


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I have thought about contacting a pet psychic for 2 of my Fids.
Bella and Pinky.

They both pluck and neither has a health reason for it.
I don’t want to feel like a dweeb .

I have had many dreams that have come true and they have always been repetitive dreams not one time things.
Most recently I had a dream of driving my car and the breaks go out.
Sure enough mY breaks went ou,t. Turned out the vacuum line running to the break power assist became cracked and I was only getting about 25% breaking power.
I have never had any dreams related to my Fids that have come true.
I don’t know if that’s good or bad.


Supporting Member
Aug 21, 2010
San Diego, California USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Goffins: Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn / Citron: Alice / Eclectus: Angel /Timneh Grey: ET / Blue Fronted Amazon: Gonzo /

RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
Amazing experience, Gail! Frankly, nothing surprises me about the human-companion relationship and the wonders of our brains. (human and animal)

Perhaps our brains are multi-faceted sensory organs capable of far more than scientifically documented?

I have not used the services of a pet psychic, but have visited a human version about 3 times, all during formative times. The individual I sat with was remarkably accurate in many aspects! Sadly, she has passed on, or I'd have readings every few years.


May 23, 2018
NL= the Netherlands, Europe
Sunny a female B&G macaw;
Japie (m) & Appie (f), both are congo african grey;
All are rescues- had to leave their previous homes for 'reasons', are still in contact with them :)
I adore the 'pretty poppy' :) so cute (and yes, it suits you so well)

The worst hint I ever got was from Rico (my first CAG and my first love-in-a-way) who just popped in mijn brain one day to let me know, in quite a matter of fact way, he was going to die because his heart was going to give out on him and he was ready to say goodbye. I completely panicked and literaly begged him to hang on a bit longer... because I *so* was not.
(Oh, I forgot: we were about 200 km apart at that time.)
He did, and died 2,5 months later when I could not possibly get to him (he was living with my parents at that time; they buried him and I never got to say goodbye to his little body- and that still hurts ...).

He almost never (apart from his decades long plucking and one ingrown feather incident) had a sick day in his life.
I hope to meet him again some day.
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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 6 budgies, Scuti Jr. (f), yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
I love you gail but this kind of thing ....well look you didn't have to pay for it and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) But don't spend any of your hard earned money on it please.

Please continue to be cheap and make wonderful artworks. Theres all sorts of videos of how people hot read and cold read and maybe your bird made a sound to the psychic and it's not even pretty poppy it's pretty bird or whatever.

Just .....don't spend your money on it.... unless you want to do it over email in that case my two female conures will converse with the spirits and rb ....just send me your credit card info and they will only bill you 29.99 a month for everything you want to know.....

I know that seems's the same thing the psychic is doing......

Psychics are fun I admit, I've had me palm read, but it's not real. It's an indulgence like horoscopes.

Part of being a member of parrot forums is 1st looking after the parrots and 2nd looking after the owners, so I won't hold back in stating this is bad science.

trust your bird over the psychic.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
For me, this all falls apart with the: The results were provided via 'transcript' of the 'remote' session/conversation with the Rb.

The emotional connections that Parrots have with 'their' Humans and their abilities to connect, play-off and react to our emotions is well known. For an unknown Human to make a remote connection with RB and not suffer remote wounds is difficult for me to believe. :D


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
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See, Laura, that's the kind of experience (like the one I had) that just tells me it's okay to slow down (literally in your case, figuratively in mine) and just open our minds up a bt... remember the germs!

Tex, I'd try a psychic. Why not? I thik I can tell you the name of the lady's site in public. It's a public site, not competing with our Form in any way. It's "The Animals Tell me", with Eileen Leskovic.

Thank you, Scott. Yeah, again, today's spirits are tomorrow's germs, right? Thank you for that. I am planning on returning for at least one more reading. And this time, I'll pay for it!

Christa, that is so beautiful. I'm sorry you missed that last goodbye, but hey, someday, maybe? Rico, you must have been (still are?) a real character.

Clark, buddy, I love ya back, but I'll probably go once more. I live in a family of scientists (heck, I even worked as one, very competently) but... like I said... tomorrow's germs? But thank you for jumping into the stream and swimming in a different direction. You CARE, and I thank you. If the Rb gives you a psychic bite, let me know. Okay, kidding! The one thing I will echo is what you said about trusting my bird over the psychic! You got it!

Thanks, friends. I appreciate the feedback!


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 6 budgies, Scuti Jr. (f), yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
I appreciate you getting something out of it but I can't support you giving up your own money for rb a pet toy instead......

yes I'm the black sheep of this forum at times, (actually I try to be just for lulz) but sometimes I'm totally right!!!!!

At least if you go back say "I know your not psycic but you're pretty good with birds, what can you teach me? If she goes off into the spirit land of parrots I'll drop my conures price to $19.99 with a full guarantee.

people that exploit other people for monetary gain using...."magic" I do not approve of.

If it's for fun at a Renaissance festival, know what your getting.....someone pretending to be a pet psychic taking advantage of people; I will not condone.


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Feb 6, 2010
Maryland - USA
Parker - male Eclectus

Aphrodite - red throated conure (RIP)
Gail, how incredibly moving!! I’m so glad you got something so cool from it.

Clark, secretly I’m with you and not something I’d spend my money on. But here’s what I’ve learned from life in all this psychic stuff. Whether it’s real or not, the positivity many people get from it is 1000000% real. Therefore, Who cares if they are legit? Let people spend their money.

Effective Therapy, great advice, or entertainment - whatever you call it, many are happier than when you left, and have left the session with some closure they may have needed, or didn’t even know they needed. Can’t complain about that.
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May 23, 2018
NL= the Netherlands, Europe
Sunny a female B&G macaw;
Japie (m) & Appie (f), both are congo african grey;
All are rescues- had to leave their previous homes for 'reasons', are still in contact with them :)
I have seen a few of those 'aminal-mediums' in action (local tv, it was fad here a few years ago, to help 'detraumatize' your dog or cat) and they really annoyed the cr@p out of me.

But with everything: if you've met one of only met one of them.

Some were laughable, some were great in reasuring the owners and one or two were actually surprisingly good.

The most these women in general did was "tuning in" to the dog/cat by reading their bodylanguage and do the same with the hang-ups from the owners...
so nothing paranormal/ extrasensory info whatoever needed.
Just some smart observing and repeating some foregone conclusions.

(Touch a dog or cat and the tension in the skin will tell you how stressed he/she is and how long that has been going on- it's hardly rocketscience, massage a few areas and you will know even more...)

So if this woman did a fun reading without seeing the bird or interacting with the owner...that is a lot more impressive ;)

(and from what I've read about mister RB, distance is a wise choice anyway ;) / sorry Gail)


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
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Mr. Boats, I hear ya. I think my mysticism (or whatever it is) is a matter of brain structure or chemistry. It's probably as lost a cause trying to talk me out of it as it is to try to talk me out of liking chocolate? Yeah, the remote thing was a bg jump for me, too. An in-person thing would be different. Still, that PRETTY POPPY thing just flipped me out.

Clarkmeister, I know you're an electrical engineer or similar, right? I actually am glad you're so scientifically oriented. I wouldn't want a mystic like ME hooking up the wires in my environment!!!!! Okay, I'll buy the Rb a toy, too!!!!!

Laura, Chris... yeah, why not live a little in both lands... mysticism AND science. I for one, need them both. Thanks for that.

Christa, you got THAT right... distance is the best communication method with the Rb. Good points about basic intuition and sensitivity not being rocket science. I think I live my life practically and intellectually, usually, but I can't resist an occasional trip into what my ol' man calls The Twilight Zone... I call it the Great Unknown.

You guys are great. :)


Supporting Member
Aug 21, 2010
San Diego, California USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Goffins: Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn / Citron: Alice / Eclectus: Angel /Timneh Grey: ET / Blue Fronted Amazon: Gonzo /

RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
I think I live my life practically and intellectually, usually, but I can't resist an occasional trip into what my ol' man calls The Twilight Zone... I call it the Great Unknown.

You guys are great. :)

My exact sentiments! While I'd never make a life or significant decision based substantially on psychic reading, it is difficult to ignore the many uncanny "coincidences." And yes, I've taken undergraduate sadistics, er, statistics and understand the relationship of chance to reality.


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
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Scott, I do SO get you. I loved (and excelled at) sadistics, I promise! Probability Theory is so sexy! Error Variance? Be still my heart.

But you can still call me... Pretty Poppy.


May 23, 2018
NL= the Netherlands, Europe
Sunny a female B&G macaw;
Japie (m) & Appie (f), both are congo african grey;
All are rescues- had to leave their previous homes for 'reasons', are still in contact with them :)
I think I live my life practically and intellectually, usually, but I can't resist an occasional trip into what my ol' man calls The Twilight Zone... I call it the Great Unknown.

Why did I just read this as "the Gail Unknown"? :38:

Time to bring my feet (both of them) firmly on the ground again.
(aka, let's clean a cage ...)

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