Pics of my cuddle bunny


New member
Dec 1, 2011
A few people have asked me to take more pictures of my birds and post them. It is hard to do though for a few reasons. Rowdy now hates the camera and tries to attack and kill it! Pete and Merlin are always cuddled up with me, which doesn't quite leave me enough hands, nor the ability to focus. And Pete also sometimes tries to eat the camera, lol!

Well, I attempted to take some yesterday. They aren't in focus, sorry. I had to hold the camera out and just aim and hope for the best. Merlin was standing half on one of my hands, and half on my chest with her little head up against me, as usual. After I snapped the first one though she poofed out and started doing her microwave beep imitation to the camera, lol!

The big blue sheet is the poop bomb protection sheet. Trust me, you don't want to get pooped on by Merlin. Her poops are enormous (I mean bigger than what I've seen geese make; closer to ostrich sized).


  • Merlin and Pete 003.jpg
    Merlin and Pete 003.jpg
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  • Merlin and Pete 004.jpg
    Merlin and Pete 004.jpg
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Merlin is such a pretty girl! I agree on picture taking, you need extra hands! Holding a camera or phone, the bird, and hoping they hold still!
I dropped and broke my digital camera, attempting to take a picture with one hand while holding Guava with my other. Lesson learned, lol.

Ms. Merlin looks like such a sweetie pie! Thanks for the pics, Roxy.
She is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I've heard so much about her so it's nice to finally see some photos of her :)
Ms Merlin you are such a beautiful lady! Thanks for sharing, Roxy!

I totally understand about the camera thing. My boys are afraid of the camera and the phone and I sometimes have the shakes so it's hard to get a clear picture without the adding in doing contortions to get them.
How precious! Yay for pics lol.
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My Merlin is such a silly girl! Last night she started imitating the sound of the cat throwing up:rolleyes: I went running to the kitchen thinking it was the cat; she was asleep though on the bench in front of the picture window. So I said, hmm, it was one of my birdies! Of course it was Merlin.

And now she is imitating my microwave beep (until last night she only did the one from her previous home). So while I was getting their veggies ready last night, she starts doing the beep and sent Rowdy into a tizzy thinking her veggies were ready and I was taking too long to bring them to her, lol!
Love the pictures Roxy ! Now I have a face to go along with all her funny stories :) She really a pretty girl :)
She's so cute! I think out of my two, Lucy is more 'cuddly." though she's still shy so we are working up to being held and pet. She loves head scratches though. Lucy was on the perch last night while we were watching TV and would Burp every 10 minutes. Then go "excuse me!"
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She's so cute! I think out of my two, Lucy is more 'cuddly." though she's still shy so we are working up to being held and pet. She loves head scratches though. Lucy was on the perch last night while we were watching TV and would Burp every 10 minutes. Then go "excuse me!"

Lol! Merlin doesn't apologize for her unsavory sounds. Pete makes a belch and then says, "sorry!"

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