Potato Chips


New member
Sep 15, 2012
Woodland Hills, CA
Sun Conure- Emmy
Oh lord...

I just brought Emmy home in September and my Pomeranian still shakes every time she screams and is still on his anti-anxiety meds. Yesterday, I went to a parrot store to get food and some toys for Emmy. This is a great store that has a variety of parrots on stands to interact with people.

Well, this guy falls in love with this fat-looking "conure" that happens to be a runty Hahn's Macaw. Then I spot the Illiger's Macaw. Why am I so attracted to loud birds? LOL.

I am amazed at the amount of work keeping a bird is and thought I would only want one. I love spoiling my little princess and think she would be very jealous of another bird, PLUS, I would be very jealous if she bonded with another bird. However, after yesterday I already know another bird is on the horizon.

Any suggestions?


New member
Apr 19, 2011
San Diego California
'Rio'~RIP baby girl 'Sunshine'~Yellow Side Green Cheek Conure
Order bird stuff online and stay the heck out of that evil store!! :32: Haha thats all Ive got!!
Good luck with that!! :D


New member
May 5, 2012
Bay Area California
Margret-Mealy Amazon 28 (family parrot), Petri- Peach Front Conure 4, Chloe- Congo African Grey 24 and Rio- Blue Crown Conure 4 !! :D
OH it looks like we have related pom poms. Wickypom never stops yapping and rage poops when my mom leaves him to go to work/shopping, etc.

I would personally be more worried about your dog than your sun atm if your pom is really that freaked out by the noise. If you are planning just having them side by side in cages, that's what I do with my 2 conures and they chat to eachother all day so I don't feel bad about leaving for classes 10am-4pm. Are you interested in any type of parrot that makes less noise? My CAG is an angel compared to my conures and amazon.
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New member
May 5, 2012
Bay Area California
Margret-Mealy Amazon 28 (family parrot), Petri- Peach Front Conure 4, Chloe- Congo African Grey 24 and Rio- Blue Crown Conure 4 !! :D
Mine is the opposite of that, I think it will depend on the breeder and parents. Chloe is 23 y/o CAG and was hand fed but wasn't handled in 15 years and she has blossomed in my home. She loves to be touched and scratched, and loves to play with all her toys. She loves hanging upsidedown in her cage and saying wOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WOOHOOOOOOO WEEEEEEE WOHOO WOOHOO!!!! She's been a joy and has just learned a new phrase in my voice "Turkey Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttt"
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New member
Jul 20, 2012
I completely agree that they "can" be like potato chips. Just do yourself one big favor:

1 bird = mess and lots of work
2 birds = tons of mess and a whole lot more work
etc. etc.

Remember, whatever bird you decide to add, they may not ever get along, and then you'll be dividing your time on who gets your full attention ;)

I'm not making this up...I learned the hard way. But I have ZERO regrets. :D


New member
Nov 9, 2012
SouthEast TX
Monte..Scarlet macaw, Seminole...yellow napped amazon, Starburst... sun conure...Rain, cinnamon green cheek.
Birds, guitars, potato chips... you can never have just one...:D:p

Especially after you own THAT bird.. meaning the first one you connect with..the one that steals your heart.. then after you connect with that one, then you find yourself connecting with more of em.. and loving more of them lol.. and wanting more too..
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New member
Nov 9, 2012
SouthEast TX
Monte..Scarlet macaw, Seminole...yellow napped amazon, Starburst... sun conure...Rain, cinnamon green cheek.
When we saw our baby sun, he came up to us and tried rolling over and was just so clumsy and cute, he waddled when he walked

He's still clumsy at 7 months old.. we think he's cute though :)

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