Snowy the New Budgie


New member
Jun 13, 2014
Cream, Cookie and Baby, peach faced lovebirds
I had a cage prepared for either a cockatiel or a budgie, but I leaned on the budgie due their smaller size. I got a beautiful albino budgie, and her name is Snowy. No pictures yet, it's too dark, maybe tomorrow morning, but she just came home.

She's very beautiful. I can't wait to get some pics, but right now she's freaking out.

Yes, she is being kept far away from cream, in another room, for quarantine.
Congrats on your new addition! How old is she?
Great choice! White budgies are so pretty, can't wait to see pics of Cream's new housemate! I'm glad you have her quarantined.
I love all white budgies! Can't wait to see her:)
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She's too scared right now. She flew out of the cage, and I had to catch her. She bit me harder than Cream ever did! Poor thing. Anyways, I got her back in her cage. I'm going to give her a few days to get acclimated to her cage before I take any photos.
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Snowy is getting a bit more comfortable with her home, but she's still extremely nervous. This was the only good shot I could get of her - she's extremely timid right now and I don't want to stress her out any more than she already is.
Aw, she's a very pretty girl. Hope she gets over her shyness soon (I'm sure she will:))
Congrats! Snowy is beautiful:) I bet she is going to get over her nervousness soon and start to settle in:)
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Snowy died. Yesterday she was really active. Crawling all over the cage, making noises, very playful. But I came home from work and she was on the bottom of the cage. She died soon after. This is the third budgie to die this way. I'm going to be taking Cream to the vet to make sure he's alright just in case.

Last night she was even sleeping on one foot with her head tucked beneath her back. She seemed healthy in every respect. I wonder what went wrong?
Oh no!! I was shocked to read this. I'm so sorry about Snowy. Yes, it will be a good idea to get Cream checked, and virus tested. I wonder what it could have been. What a sad disappointment :(
Rachel, I'm so sorry to hear about little Snowy, what a terrible shock. I agree you should take Cream for an exam.

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