The Annoying Little Kid...


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
In the past, I've usually either had birds who would need to be kept separate from others (easy to do), then others who would hang out and be fine with each other (also easy).

Here comes little Griffin....

First of all, Robin is on the other wall and he's just fine without other bird contact... In fact, we need to keep it that way unless someone wants to get hurt, Robin means business. :mad:

I have hopes that Griffin and Raven can either be buddies, or at least peacefully respect each other. Raven (BW Pionus) seems pretty easy going about the new little kid Griffin (Ruppell's Parrot). As long as he gives Raven his personal space. That's the problem! Griffin being a typical toddler, can't just sit NEAR Raven, he has to be practically sitting on him!! He gets so close to Raven, all up in his face, crowding him out, etc. just like a small child who wants some attention but doesn't know any better about 'personal space'. It even happened when Raven was eating! Now Raven is a pretty patient guy when it comes to the kid, but he has his boundaries of course! As soon as Griffin does it now, I take him away from Raven right away. Raven will be squawking and give him a "warning", but Griffin will completely ignore it! If he doesn't start to "get it" I will have to be always vigilant with the two.

I've only had a similar thing happen one time in the past with two larger female birds I had, but it was a bit different. One wanted to be preened all the time, the other didn't care. They were flighted, and it didn't take too long before the one gave in and became the other's friend. No problem there. :)

So back to Griffin... Have you ever had a young bird who was just the most annoying little kid to another bird? I can see that Raven and Griffin 'get along', it's just that Griffin has NO concept of personal boundaries. :52:

Griffin is obnoxious about it. WILL HE LEARN TO GIVE OTHER BIRDS THEIR SPACE AS HE GETS OLDER?? Just as human toddlers eventually "get it" and learn how to conduct themselves around others, and learn that other people need their 'personal space' and have boundaries? Have you had this happen, but then have seen things change as they got older?

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