Which of these books is best?


Nov 2, 2010
Victoria, Australia
Awaiting my baby blue front...
Looking on Amazon (ironically :D) for books on Amazon parrots, and I found several. Just wondering if anyone has read them/can recommend which is best?
(I'm planning on buying Parrots for Dummies as well)
So the books are: 'Amazon Parrots' by Werner Lantermann, 'The Bird Keeper's Guide to Amazon Parrots' by Greg Glendell and 'Amazon Parrots' by Gayle Soucek.
http://www.booktopia.com.au/search.ep?author=Werner Lantermann
I have not read any of them ... nor do I have an Amazon. But if I were getting one I'd go for the second one.

The first one looks like a generic bird book that they replace a few words in and slap a new picture on the cover to make it for amazon parrots. The third one seems to be about the same - it is hard to find qualifications of either of these authors.

Greg Glendell has a good website where you can read his qualifications and experience.

Unfortunately the way the books are being published now, any idiot can publish a book (and most of them do). Be sure to check out the authors background and qualifications to make sure they were not simply bored so they tried to write about something in which they have no experience (ie Gayle's own description of why she wrote a parrot book).
I've got the Lettermans and Soucek's . Both books are O.k. , but very basic , and fun to read, but each with a bit different approach. I recommend you buy both of them, and have a lot of fun reading them :))
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