Wow.. Yet another bad afternoon


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
Living in the outback of Australia, it is common to see snakes, i almost stepped on one a few months ago, i have seen sooo many in my life so far..

We used to have chickens, and one day they kept disappearing, turns out there was a huge snake in the pen which was eating them all- and i was the one who found it...

However.. none in the house... EVER.. Our house isnt on the ground, but up high on stilt things..

Until this afternoon...

I went to feed the horses like normal, and Fargo was jumping around his cage, and i thought it was because he could see me outside the window, but most of the time hes fine and doesnt scream when i go and do stuff in the afternoons!

Well, i was halfway down the hill and i heard him scream, so i ran back, checked on him, he was fine! I gave him a nut and went and did my things.

I came back, grabbed the vacuum cleaner to do my evening clean..

When suddenly i saw a huge snake leaving my room out the window.. it was skinny, but long !

It was going out this hole Fargo had put in the flyscreen, i said to my brother- Sam, there is a snake, please come to my room now..

He ran in, shut the window when it was fully out, and watched it as it wiggled across the window sill, onto the pool deck, down to the grass and out of the house yard..

Of course i was crying by then, my brother called down to the stables which was where my mum still was, and she said- there was a snake outside of tabs room?

And sam said.. no.... IN tabs room...

Mum ran up..

I had Fargo, crying, he was giving me kisses...

Mum then patched up the window with lots of material and then helped me take everything out of the walk in warddrobe to make sure there wernt anymore!

It wasnt so much that i was scared of a snake, it was the thought of-
that snake could of easily killed Fargo..
Who knows what i would of done if i had come into my room and the snake was in his cage...

and now i am sad again thinking about it :(

Mum says it was probably very hungry, thats why it came into a house, and Fargo would of made a nice meal!

So.. Fargo is fine, my windows and doors are fully closed tonight..

But my eyes are sore from crying haha

and this is why i hate living in Australia...

You have no idea how paranoid i am at the moment, i was cleaning Fargos cage and i saw the wheel and thought snake! haha :(

And i know some people like snakes.. but this is the reason why i hate them :(

The thing is, it now knows Fargo is here, doesnt that mean it knows there dinner :/


New member
Nov 20, 2011
Hamilton, New Zealand
Wow that must of been really scary D:
I am so glad we don't have snakes in New Zealand as I think I would be afraid of them getting my fids D: We don't really have much predators in NZ apart from cats/dogs/possums. There are some hawks/falcons in the country side. Although ive never seen one.

I am so glad Fargo is fine. :D
I was a bit scared to read this thread with that title D:
I really hope that snake doesn't come back :(


Mar 6, 2013
Aww tab at least everything went ok, everyone is ok including Fargo.

I kinda doubt the snake will come back at all. They would probably go looking for an easier food source instead of trying to break into your house.

Really glad Fargo is fine and you to:)


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Oh is for you:

Take a deep breath! It's all over and done with. Yes, I like snakes, but in your instance, living in Australia, WITH some of the deadliest snakes in the world, I'd always have a weapon handy, NO kidding!

Glad mum fixed the window screen. Also glad to hear Sam came and helped.

Give Fargo more snuggles if you have to, he's safe and sound, as are you.

Here's one more...just because they help...


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Feb 26, 2013
Clifton Springs Newyork
macaw,LS2,congo grey,2Blk Hd caiques,Hawkhead,yellowstrk lory,Blue frnt amazon,sun conure ,Yellow sided greencheek ,Goffin ,Rosebreasted Cockatoo,Greenwing Macaw,Blue and Gold Macaw,Nanday conure,Ecle
Ahh!!!! Tab Im screaming for you ! Glad there was no problems.


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Jun 17, 2012
United States of America/ Kansas
Captain Jack (Hahn's macaw)

Clover (green cheek conure)
I am glad Frago is okay. I am not a fan of snakes. This may sound strange but the thought of a very large constrictor snake is scary to me. I would never go never a venomous snake but that does not change the fact that a large python just seems scarier to me. I know Australia has some species of pythons. When I grew up on the farm we would see rattlesnakes in the summer on the gravle lroad when we went on walk. We would throw a bunch of rocks at them and they would slither off the road. However, I remember as a child going to the zoo and seeing a large python (who no doubt has lived quite awhile in order to be the size he or she was). It was creepy looking at this snake who was way larger then I was.
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New member
Dec 29, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Ozzie - alexandrine parakeet
Oh Tab, that must of have been so scary!! :(

Down here at Melbourne we have had some hot days, it was 32 degrees Celsius today, gonna be 35 tomorrow :/ Have heard that people found snakes in and around my town as well, hopefully the weather will start to cool down so there will be less snakes :/

So glad no one is hurt! Living with one of the worlds most deadliest animals is so not fun! Hopefully that snake will never come back!

Hugs for you! And give Fargo some extra cuddles after what happened today!


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
Hahn's macaw, RIP George, Jenday Conure
My breeder has a farm in the midwest and finds snakes pieces at the bottom of his out door macaw breeder cage from time to time.


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Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conure♂, Merlin the Camelot Macaw♂
oh I am sos sorry! I know how you feel well sort of it was my moms dog that hates other animals and my bird in the same room! my bird was fine but he was out of the age flying around and the dog was jumping trying to get him! So happy your Fargo is safe! I do love snakes..... just not in the house


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Aug 23, 2012
Long island
Pepsi and sprite, both are American male budgies
( hugs ) don't worry, we're here for you. Just try to forget the incident. The scream you heard from Fargo was his battle cry, threatening the snake " I'll tear you to pieces, HEAD FIRST ! " . Fargo started swearing at him " if you come near my beloved tab, you will never lay eggs again! " , while the snake was going away " run, you COWARD ! "
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
Senegal: Oliver ~~
Yellow-Sided GCC's: Bella and Zora ~~
R.I.P Tweeters the Cockatiel<3
Tab!!! HUGS!!! That must have been terrifying, I would have had the same reaction, except probably with more crying (my family calls me a waterfall :p)
( hugs ) don't worry, we're here for you. Just try to forget the incident. The scream you heard from Fargo was his battle cry, threatening the snake " I'll tear you to pieces, HEAD FIRST ! " . Fargo started swearing at him " if you come near my beloved tab, you will never lay eggs again! " , while the snake was going away " run, you COWARD ! "

You just made my day!!! :D


Oct 27, 2012
north qld, Australia
alexandrines : Oxy, Bruno, prince (was princess)
Omg u poor thing tab, i know how u feel. A few years back when i lived in a small country town on the central coast i heard this strange sound in the house one night. I had a quick look around but couldn't see anything. The next evening when i went to cook dinner I've grabbed the strained out if the dish rack, dropped it, screamed and took about 3giant steps backwards. under the strained in the distract there was something dark and out of place. I calmed down and went back to have a.look. It was a diamond python about 2m long. At this point i had 2 ferret, an in and an Alex. Thus snake gadgets been in my house for atleast 24hrs and nite harm to any of them. If i hadn't been playing with the ferret i would have just picked him up and taken him outside ((spent most my like in country towns snakes) so instead i just gently stroked his back till he withered outside.
With all those easy free meals in my house, he never did return so don't fret tab.
So glad u and Fargo are ok... Lots if cuddles will fix everything.
BTW the first day i bought oxy home, my beautiful kitty a present inside.... A red nape snake, it was still alive as my kitty catches things outside, brings them in to show me then plays with them,since then he has presented me.with 2 more. Dam little kitty, but i love him


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
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Ohhh you guys are all the best! :rolleyes: Made me feel alot better!

OMG Maheen hahahaha :D yes i think thats what he was saying ;)

You can imagine what i was doing all night before i went to bed though, every hour a snake search with the flashlight ;)

And i think you can guess what my dream was about?

A giant anaconda snake in my room :54:

The first thing i did this morning was scan my room, slowly crept out of my bed and checked the window :09:


Mar 6, 2013
Lol I can just see you tab running around with a flash light and searching for snakes:p.

All is well though so hopefully no more snakey invaders anytime soo ;)


New member
Mar 1, 2013
someday very soon a hyacinth! :)
Wow, reading this post was suspenseful! I was so relieved to read that Fargo and you were okay!!

In California we have these adorable little marsh/shorebirds called kildeers, and every year we have a little nest or two on the property, they nest in the weirdest places, out in the open, on rock piles and such...when I'm lucky enough to spot one, I love watching them (and protecting the nest from anything that might hurt the little eggs or the Mama bird). Well one year, hatchday was happening, and I heard the Mama bird making her distress call, so I ran out back over to where the nest was and a big fat snake had half of one of the freshly hatched babies down his throat. I was soooo upset at this #$@*! would have eaten all four of these little babies had I not been there to spook him away. It spit out the little baby it had in its mouth, but it started eating it head first :( it died shortly thereafter...but the other three hatched and Mama led them out to our creek. (They fluff up and are ready to go, like teeny little chicks.) I did get some great pictures of the nesting process and the babies too! My property is a wild bird haven, and I'm always out observing them so nobody's really afraid of me here..I put food and nestboxes out for all kinds of species...I even have a wild duck nesting right outside my front door :D

But long story short....that feeling I had when I saw that snake devouring that baby kildeer...ugh I can just imagine how you felt seeing that snake next to your baby!!!!!!

I got my revenge on that snake though...I saw it again the next afternoon, and my mom nabbed it with a shovel. I did bury it, so it could become one with the earth again, and I do appreciate their purpose in nature...but they better stay away from my birdies (wild and fid alike!)

I wonder if you could sprinkle catlitter and mothballs around the base of your house? I heard that was supposed to deter snakes.


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
Oh Tab!! How scary! I would of been terrified if there was a snake loose in my room. I'm glad the hole is now fixed.

THATS TERRIBLE!!! Why would you kill the poor snake? I understand that seeing the wild baby kildeer being eaten was sad but it's all nature, now that poor baby chick died for no reason :( if it was your parrot I can completly understand, but a wild bird is part of a larger ecosystem that snakes play a important part in. When I find rattle snakes or gopher snakes I catch them and relocate them.

I am stunned and disgusted that you were so selfish to allow a innocent snake to be killed for something it does naturally! When dealing with wild animals show them RESPECT and don't allow your human emotions to effect proper judgement.
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New member
Mar 1, 2013
someday very soon a hyacinth! :)
@copperarabian, I completely agree with that statement. Generally I do relocate, because snakes do play an important role in the ecosystem. In the same breath however (and I should have perhaps added this to the original post) the next afternoon I caught the snake in my chicken coop....going after my two day baby chicks. I understand the whole circle of life bit, especially when it comes to wild birds, but when it comes to protecting my flock of hens and their little chicks, its my responsibility to protect them as best I can.


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
Thanks Haley bird, I admit I was a little angry when I wrote that and I didn't think if it would hurt your Feelings. I still don't agree with killing native snakes though, you can always relocate them by car for a greater distance. I love snakes, not as much as birds, but I still love them. They are incredible and beautiful animals.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Red Bellied Parrot, Sam, Double Yellow Headed Amazon, Sierra & Black Headed Caique, Daisy Jane
Tab, I am sorry to hear about your terrifying experience. That would really scare me too. I hope Haley's tip with the moth balls could help. I am really scared of snakes myself. We mostly just have garter and rattler snakes where i live and that is enough snake for me! A :hug: for you


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Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
OMG, I would be freaking out watching that snake in my room that I have to sanitize everything. I hate snakes, I would be one throwing everything I can get my hands on at the snake including a pitch fork. Especially when it comes to my birds. I even chase my beloved kitty if he gets into my bird room. My birds are my everything!!!!

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