
  1. BourkeHaven

    Handfeeding older babies?

    I have a pair that has successfully raised babies before. I keep Bourkes. They had three babies, they abandoned the runt that fell out of the nest before they had feathers, still had an egg tooth he was quite a bit younger. I took him and am handfeeding, they are all old enough they are fledged...
  2. GryphonHound

    My introduction ✨️

    I have three budgies, Bubbles a 6 yr old male who loves bells and is being weaned off of mirrors, Aqua a 4 yr old male he has an injured wing that makes it difficult for him to fly and Sunny a one year old female who isn't tame yet. I will be getting a Bourke hopefully soon once I find a good...
  3. GryphonHound

    Finding a Bourke Breeder

    I'm thinking of getting a Bourke soon but I can't find any breeders. All the ones that I have found online either stopped breeding 10 years ago or are a scam. Does anyone know any reliable breeders who ship and or are in the Midwest?
  4. M

    My first Rosy Bourkes! Opinions?

    This is my first time as a member of this community and I just got my first pair of Rosey Bourkes today! I had read up on them and expected them to be very flighty and nervous but one of them is the sweetest little thing! It hops up on my finger and follows me everywhere! The other one is very...
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