
  1. M

    Quick question on mating...

    Hi! I am new to the site and have never posted on forum but am in need of an answer and hope to find it here. I have a budgie, sun conure and double yellowhead. My budgie has mated with the sun conure about 8x this morning. Is there any chance they were successful and will they (or can...
  2. D

    Crusty cere on a likely male bird?

    I posted about this a few days ago, but people stopped responding, so here I’m going to post a photo. Please look at this photo and tell me whether you think this is normal and he’s actually a she, or if it is something to be worried about. Also, this budgie was lost for an unknown amount of...
  3. D

    Crusty cere

    Hi, my Mum found a lost budgerigar getting attacked by native birds while walking her dog a few weeks back, and he seemed completely healthy for quite a while. However, just today I noticed that the base of his cere is a bit crusty looking. I was wondering if anyone could help with determining...
  4. A

    Cockatiel and budgie

    Hello, I want to get friend for my cockatiel can i get him a budgie? So far I've seen many people around me who have budgies and tiels together and they say they co-op very well even today I saw one budgie trying to feed tiel.
  5. O

    Budgies nose.

    Hi! I really need help, recently my budgie hasn't been well. I'm trying everything, he's usually really active and loves to chirp a lot, he's still very active and eats. I don't have a vet close to me at all, its hours and hours away. He has always been healthy until now, this is the first time...
  6. Alouette

    Cage liners - wood pellets?

    Hello everyone, I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I just prefer to get a direct answer to my question (just trying to be thorough :) ) Me and my boyfriend are considering getting a pair of budgies (we were thinking cockatiels at first, but just fell in love with these little guys). So we...
  7. H

    kohlrabi/german turnip greens

    Hello :greenyellow: can I give my budgie kohlrabi / german turnip greens?
  8. pickygrackle

    Hey birdies

    Howdy folks of the forum. I just registered and i have a question about my budgie. She is a rescue, i've had her for 8 years, her estimated age is 12. I keep taking her to the vet. She's thrown up twice this month. And no, not regurgitation. I'm talking white sticky liquid. I'm afraid its...
  9. D

    My budgie died

    I don't know what to think as I type this. I am heartbroken. My sweet budgie Leo died tonight--he was only 2 years and 7 months old. The worst part is that it was my fault. My sleep schedule has been horribly messed up, so lately, I would stay up all night. Even if I covered his cage, Leo would...
  10. D

    Sick Budgie

    Hello everyone, as you can see I have a semi sick budgie on my hands. She is one of my adoption birds and I do adore her but I haven’t been seeing a positive change in her. So when I took her in, I noticed that her feathers were pretty bad. They were growing in odd ways and she seemed a little...
  11. J

    Something on my budgie’s cere

    I just got home from school and I noticed something atypical on one of my budgies, Yin’s beak. He/she (don’t know the gender yet) doesn’t appear to be sick, I’ve only just gotten the both of them yesterday. I need advice on what to do because I can’t call the vet because my mom says they’re fine...
  12. B

    Budgie taming

    :blue2:I’ve had my budgie for 1 yr and 4 months. I’ve only been able to briefly hold him but that was a year ago. I can’t hokd him anymore and he doesn’t come out of his cage. The only way I can coax him to be “outside his cage” is to put his favourite toy right near the door so he has to sit in...
  13. DaisyChick62

    Budgie Advice

    So my little sister got a couple of budgies a few months back and ive been trying to help her take care of them better (shes nine and their mom doesnt really know much about their care.) so ive been researching and switched their diet from only seeds to about 10% seeds and 90% pellets. (They...
  14. F

    Taming advice?

    Hello! I have a budgie named Putin (weird name ik) and I need some advice. So I've had him for a few days now and he is turning out to be a brave little ball of feathers. He already eats out of my hand, straight up jumps at the door when he sees me putting seeds in my hand. When I have seeds in...
  15. N

    Parakeet gender

    I am new pet owner. This is my first pair of parakeet. They both are with me for 2weeks now. Second one is more friendly then the first one. But I can't tell if they are male or female by their cere. Can any of you help me please?
  16. B

    Injury Assistance

    My budgie is a bit clumsy and flies around all the time but a couple minutes ago, it flew into the cage door and fell. One of its wing feathers has come out and there's bleeding. I don't know what to do in this situation, please any advice. The budgie isn't alone, it has its partner in the...
  17. K

    A little bit concerned about my little Yuna

    I bought Yuna this February from a local market and I love her to bits. She was just a baby put in with a small cage of adults, and she hasn't grown much bigger. About a month ago I noticed that her beak has changed - it's a bit flaky and scratched up. Sorry if my pictures aren't the best (the...
  18. Squeeing_Onion

    Hendrix Preview flight cage - On sale!

    Heya! Hope this helps someone out either looking to buy an extra or new cage, or looking to upgrade from a smaller one to spoil your babies. I came across this sale the other day when looking up the same cage I had purchased for my own bird...
  19. S

    Question about breeding parakeet

    I adopted two parakeets from a neighbor. Male and female. There was a breeding box already in the cage and I found out the female had laid an egg! I’m not too familiar with birds as I am a new bird owner (I’m learning quickly). She is on a good diet (seeds, pellets, veggies and mineral block). I...
  20. S

    Question about albino parakeet

    I've owned parakeets in the past, however, this is my first albino. I thought she was pure white until I examined her closely. While her eyes are the standard red/dark pink and her legs are flesh of an albino, her feathers have a very soft pink hue to them. The part of the feathers just above...