feather loss

  1. D

    French Moult

    I recently posted about a new budgie we got after we had to put our little female budgie to sleep. That Post is HERE. My partner is on a few budgie groups on Facebook and they have all pretty much said they think Sparky has French Moult and the story the breeder told us about him being attacked...
  2. F

    Lilac Crown Amazon Lost feathers on head

    Hello, I have a 20 yr old male Lilac Crown Amazon named Coco. We adopted him about 2 months ago and the past couple weeks heā€™s been losing feathers on his head. His diet is Harrison food pellets with collard greens and some occasional fruit here and there. Has anyone seen this before or dealt...
  3. C

    [SOLVED] Feather plucking or molting???

    Hello all my around 2 year old cockatiel has I believe just started feather plucking. He mostly seems to pull out down feathers so maybe could be molting but I have a more likely theory. He recently got into a pretty big accident and really hurt himself by flying into a wall. I took him to the...
  4. D

    Feathers lost over 2 nights??

    So I have two princess parrots, and am having a very unusual issue out of nowhere. The two live in the same cage, and have plenty of time to fly around the house. But yesterday, I uncovered the cage, and the green one (Quro) was missing almost all of her back feathers. The feathers were ALL over...
  5. P

    How Long Does it Take For Feathers to Grow Back?

    Hi all, My rescue grass parakeet Mofu has been making great strides lately. This past week she has decided that she finally without a doubt wants my attention all day and whistles for me to come to her every time I leave the room. She eagerly chases me around for treats, both in her cage and...
  6. H

    Feathers look patchy

    Hi! I have a 3 month old Lovebird. She/He has been eating well, still not doing well with her fruits and veggies , but I offer them daily. Lately it has sown a lot of the time preening and Iā€™m not sure if the darks spots on the feathers is due to this or is it a disease or mites? Itā€™s in a very...
  7. Gokha

    Beginning feather issues?

    Hello! Yesterday Iā€™ve noticed that my baby Zazu (IRN) has some bald spots above his nostrils. Today the bald area appears to be larger than yesterday. At first I thought itā€™s because of him hanging on the cage bars a lot and kinda chewing on them (i upgraded him to a bigger cage, yet he still...
  8. Ezekiell

    newly grown feather just molted??

    I was super excited because over the past month or so Māui has grown a pair of new flight feathers. But this morning, he just dropped one of the newly grown in feathers. Iā€™m super confused. Is it normal to grow a brand new feather then after a month have it drop out? The feather isnā€™t damaged...
  9. G

    Amazon parrot feather loss between beak and nostrils

    Hi! I have a one year old amazona Oratrix (Coco) who is being treated with antibiotics for chlamydia (psittacosis), and is currently loosing feathers between the beak and nostrils (photo here). He is out of danger in regards to the psittacosis, and will take his last injection and post treatment...
  10. LilianNightshade

    My rescued Amazon is missing his flight feathers?

    Hello, I recently came upon a baffling aspect of my parrot I can't find an answer for and hoped someone in this forum could clear it up. It's a long story, but I feel like this context is very important for my question: my parents and I recently took in an amazon parrot called Loro after my...
  11. S

    please help my dove

    Hello everyone!! Ill try to keep this short. So I have a albino ring neck dove. I've had her for about a year now no issues at all. She is living with 2 other birds , a male cockatiel :grey:about 1 year old and a male Green Cheek Conure:green2: about 5 years old. Everything was fine until one...
  12. K

    Need Advice

    Hey, so I'm new to this site. I have a male quaker parrot, we don't know how old he is, but we know he's a baby. He was found in the south valley of New Mexico about a year ago by a friend of my brother's who posted about him on Instagram. We agreed to take him and when we got there, we...
  13. A

    New to the forum - help with molting lovebird please!

    Hi everyone I have recently joined the forum and am seeking advice regarding my male lovebird Iggy. He is about 4 years old and this might be his first molt. Firstly, is that strange? I have noticed pin feathers, particularly on his back around his shoulders, for about 1 month now. But in...
  14. Anniele27

    Losing feathers prematurely?

    I have a congo african grey, Ava, that just turned 10 months old yesterday. These past 2 weeks I've been finding more and more feathers. More than just the usual white downy feathers. Its been a 2 small grey top-of-the-wing feathers and two regular long wing feathers. Today I also noticed that...
  15. Anniele27

    Help! 7 m/o congo lost wing feather!

    I have a 7 month old female congo african grey parrot named Ava. i got her about 3 months ago from a breeder. When i got her, her wings were already clipped, 5 feathers on each side because they said they did 3 at first and she still flew too well. on top of her cage is a big orb hung from the...
  16. S

    Please help!!!

    Help!! PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS!! I am a new owner of a blue crowned conure. I got it Friday and it is now Sunday. It's previous owners did not even know what kind of bird it was or the age and sex of it. When it would scream they would spray it with water. It will take treats out of my hand and...
  17. Boyd75

    Face feather loss!?

    new owner of two sun conures one is missing/and/or/ loosing feathers around its bbeak. what des this mean??? how do i help???
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