
  1. E

    Conure baby doesn't like to eat much

    Please bear with my long story. I have a month and 2 weeks (approx.) old Green Cheek Conure baby. Before getting her, I didn't know that the breeder used to directly crop-feed her which technically left her no experience of handfeeding and actually tasting the food. Moreover, I didn't know the...
  2. B

    Good hand feeding formula?

    Anyone know a safe good quality hand feeding formula for parakeet baby's?
  3. B

    my bird wont eat his formula? please help

    so i just got a pinapple greencheek conure yesterday at a bird expo and hes 2 and a half months old but hasnt been weaned yet. the lady told me he eats formula once a day and showed me how to do it. i tried doing it two times today but he would not open his beak to take in the formula i dont...
  4. R

    Question about weaning age

    Can weaning ages vary? I'm 99% positive that NO TWO BIRDS are the same, and I'm getting some grief from people on a parrot facebook group about my new bird. I brought home my new kakariki last night. She will be 6 weeks old in 2 days. The breeder was raising her and weaning her for me and...
  5. skylala

    Can you use Formula as a training treat?

    Hi :) I got my Eclectus parrot a week ago and I'm trying to train him but he doesn't seem to be overly interested in any food I'm giving him, so isn't enthusiastic with the training. He's still weaning and Formula seems to be the only thing he get's excited for. I'm just wondering if I could...
  6. C

    Baby Conure feeding questions.

    Hello. I have begun to hand feed a small sun conure chick (1 3/4 weeks old) since its parents for some reason killed its older 2 week sibling. I do not know why, but its left me heart broken. So I decided to hand feed the remaining chick. Well, I went to visit a friends friend who has been a...
  7. lmwilson428

    Weaning sick Sun Conure

    Hello, My name is Lauren. I am new to this forum. I have a 11 week old Sun Conure named Mango, that I got from a breeder at 8 weeks of age. I have several questions reguarding him. Here is the whole story and am hoping for some experienced answers and advise. I had a lovebird that I hand...
  8. Amber

    So I just bought $40 worth of formula a few days ago...

    And Alex decided that day that he would finally give up the formula. He was still on two feeds a day (At nearly 5 months old so it's about time) and now I'm lucky if he will eat a spoonful at night! What does one do with a massive bag of formula you don't really need?! :p:rolleyes: Typical...
  9. L

    Warning Harissons Handfeeding Formula

    We recently had a close call with Harissons Handfeeding formula, and I am posting on this site because I don't want someone else to go through the same experience. Before I start, a little history: we have 6 birds- 2 African greys (2 yrs & 12 weeks), 2 Caiques (2.5 yrs & 2 yrs) and 2 Jenday...
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