
  1. S

    Bump on GCC chest?

    Hello, I have a vet appointment next Monday as thats the quickest I could get in but I have a question about my new green cheek conure. We adopted her about 2 weeks ago and she's been great. Playing, eating, super active and cuddly! Today when I was playing with her I noticed a little bump close...
  2. S

    Fischer - Lump And Closed Eye

    Hello, I am really hoping someone can help. We have a near 8 year old lovebird, called Uno. He had developed an lump on his right "cheek". This was barely noticeable 4 weeks ago when we first spotted it, as we were not sure if it was just has feathers sticking up. He was happy any healthy, he...
  3. P

    I need a little help

    Hi all, I have a 6 week old Grey and noticed a lump on the side of his neck just above the wing, now the breeder said this is normal after feeding, it is on one side, I have included a photo, thanks for your input I think he or she is younger than 6 weeks.
  4. L

    Help! See bump on conure not sure if normal

    Recently found out that my sun conure Leo is a girl. She started laying eggs a year or two ago and is around and is almost 13 years old. I noticed after her bath that she had a lump on her tummy. I have seen one like this before over the summer but it had went away. I had done some research and...
  5. A

    Black Ball Dangling? Green Cheek

    Hey everyone i woke up this morning gave my green cheek some fruit and went away for a couple hours but when i came home i found this black hard dangling thing on my conures neck, i dont know what it is but i took it out it seemed to not give pain to my bird but as we took it out we as well...
  6. S

    Odd lump on parakeet beak

    I'm new to the forum, but I'm really desperate. Today I found an odd lump on my parakeet's beak. I bought him almost two weeks ago and I'm unsure how old he is. The lump is the same color of his beak and it is reddish brown at the base. I'm really worried for him. Can anyone tell me what it...
  7. M

    Lump on toe

    Hi, my green quaker has a lump in one of his back toes and made his nail fell down. It seems it doesn't bother him, but i'm worried. Is it dangerous? I thought the lump could be a some kind of abscess but a few weeks ago he was on antibiotic treatment due to a respiratory syndrome. Any ideas?
  8. PockyMommy

    Bump between eye and beak?

    My poor baby has this weird bump sort of like a bubble near his eye and his beak like right in between the two. I don't know if it has always been there, but it's there. His right side is perfectly fine. I don't know if its a bruise and he just hit something in his cage a little too hard or...
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