
  1. Jamie_95

    Bye bye Petrie :(

    So this is Petrie ~ the baby Lorrie i've been looking after :) I released him back into the wild where i found him about half an hour ago. But don't worry! He was looking much happier and healthier today than he was when i found him. His beak was a brown colour when i first took him in, and now...
  2. Jamie_95

    What to feed my baby Lorikeet

    As some of you already know, i found a baby Lorikeet yesterday and have been caring for him. I was researching pictures last night of other baby lorries, and he looks about 5 - 6 weeks old. But i'm not 100% sure so i'll post a picture soon :cool: I've been feeding him honey from my finger, and...
  3. Jamie_95

    Should i release my baby Lorikeet?

    Hi everyone :) I found a baby Lorikeet this morning and have been taking care of him since. I'm hand feeding him and making him drink slowly through a syringe, because i put a small bowl of food and water in his cage but he didn't seem to touch it. He's been shy but very friendly and alert...
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