My name is Shaun, and I’m from Nottingham, England.
My bird journey began when my wife rescued a very poorly canary. She then got him a female companion, and as you might guess, we soon had babies! Now, we have five canaries, all about five years old. I have since learnt about replacing the...
Lil Pete, my rock pebbler, is about to hit 7 months and has been super chatty since I got him at 3 months old. But only when he's in his cage. He runs around and makes the cutest noises and whistles and talks but when you take him out, he is dead silent. Any suggestions on how to get him to chat...
He's FINALLY here! I picked him up Saturday (his 12 week mark), which was a long day and yesterday we started bonding, so here is a picture from this morning! Meet Lil Pete! He is so clumsy and ridiculous the named seemed to fit :D He chatters away and loves attentions and pets. We are working...
Hello all. I am stuck between these 2 birds right now and I am looking for some answers from people that have Rock Pebblers and Indian Ringnecks. Both are such beautiful birds and I am willing to wait to get a handed baby. Any questions you can answer would be much appreciated!
Do pebblers...
Hi i'm new to this forum and I have a few questions! I am a full time Vet Tech student in Orange County CA and I am also a Pet Trainer at PetSmart.Going through my school program has helped me with exotics and I've decided I want to get a bird. I am kinda stuck between birds at the moment. I...
In the next couple months, I'll be the proud parent of a Rock Pebbler Parakeet (aka Regent Parrot, Smoker, Smoker Parrot, Mallee Smoker, Rock Peplar, Black-tailed Parrot or Parakeet, Regal Parrot, and Marlock Parrot).
For a bird with so many names, there's not a great deal of information about...