
  1. Z

    Separating Ringneck couple

    Hey I bought a young couple of ringnecks last year, i think they're are 2 years old, Frank and Betty, the male hasn't developped his ring yet(which means he hasn't reached maturity) I wanted to have some babies this year, but it doesn't look like they will, at least till next year. I also bought...
  2. B

    Trouble with Keeping Birds Separated

    Hello there. Let me preface this by saying I am trying my damn best right now. I have a conure and a cockatiel, both males, with which the conure is about 8 months old and my cockatiel about 2 or so years (unknown, tbh). They bonded, but I have to keep them separate because my cockatiel will try...
  3. R

    Kakariki plucking my turquoisine

    So my Kakariki is now 3 and a half months old. She thinks she owns the place but she's young and learning. She's in this bite mode where she needs to check everything out with her beak, toys, clothes, ears, neck, hands, floor, whatever. She's maturing. I can still pick her up though although she...
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