A nest box for the Twins


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I have been looking for a suitable nest box for a year or two and final got one.
I found it on Facebook marketplace for only 60 bucks.
Itā€™s an L shaped box made of plywood.

This post bears more on cages than the birds in question (amazons) .
And more and more I think the bird thatā€™s supposed to be a boyā€¦. Isnā€™t.
so breeding thread isnā€™t right for this.

the box is 20ā€ long, 20ā€ high and 10ā€ wide.
I wanted to post a pic but itā€™s not installed and fixed in place to the outside of the cage.
I have it setting in its approximate position.
and there is the problem.
when in place it restricts access to the hallway and therefore the bedrooms and bathrooms.
Itā€™s an accident waiting to happen.

I can shift thing over a bit but itā€™s not a solution. We are bound to run into the sharp corners of the thing.

I could remove one of the two cages that are/is the Twins cage.
Their cage setup is two cages attached to each other with a small pass through.

right now I am not sure what I will do.
If Merlin really is a girl ā€¦ it is a bit pointless.
If Merlin is a girl I have a better chance of having hybrid babies from a Merlin/Bingo matchup.


The place I visited to buy the nest box is a story too.

I think that will be the next installament.
They even had peacocks o_O
The people selling the nest boxes live in a very rural area.
It was a real farm and walking onto the place brought a smile to my face :) right away.

a gaggle of chickens running around and several out buildings that left me wondering what building I should approach.

But I saw the folks and they waved at me and I walked over.

It was when I got to the humans I saw that they had peacocks. In cages.
I didnā€™t get real close so I could be wrong.
but the male had his luxurious tail on and it looked to me like the cage was a rectangle only big enough for his tail in the long direction.
she said all her peacocks ended up in a neighbors farm so she had to lock them up.
the neighbor also had peacocks so that was what drew hers over there.

they had two horses, one was (I think) a gelding but very spirited and did not allow the chickens in his corral.

and cats, 3/4 she said was for rat/mice control, also kept in cages???

she had one out building dedicated to her parrots.

why keep parrots if you donā€™t want to live with them and enjoy them.

ruining out of time.
will take about her parrots next time
So we were looking at the nest boxes and I said it was for my Mexican redhead.

She said she had a Mexican redhead and that the bird fit the box no problem..
so of course I wanted to see her birds.

we were standing very close to one of the out buildings and she led me inside.

I say out building but it resembled one of those Tuff Sheds you see advertised.
Itā€s difficult to say what I saw first.
a large cage at the far end housing what must have been 20 Cockatiels.
The blue and gold macaw to my immediate left just inside the door.

or maybe it was the gunny sacks of grain/seed on the floor (she was clearly mixing her own seed for them)
I will say I saw no sunflower seeds.

She led me over to the cage housing her MRA and took her out. She stepped up on my hand an I got to hold her for a bit.

I also saw some kind of sun/nandy conure (a flash of orange/green. And a CAG named Monkey.
She said she had ring necks but I didnā€™t see them.

Before leaving what I felt were sad conditions she handed me a shelled peanut.

At firs I was baffled, why give me a peanut.
Then she wanted me to give it to the blue and gold.
So many things went through my mind.
Peanuts are bad for bird.
I shouldnā€™t give it to him.
I need to explain why not to do that.

In the end I just gave him the peanut and kept my mouth shut..

If I could I would rescue (yes it would be rescue) the Mac and the CAG.

they had almost no toys and crummy cages for the most part. Little human interaction (thatā€™s my guess anyway).

I canā€™t rescue them all .
I want to keep communication open with them and have talked about getting another nest box (for Bingo to play and destroy).
But my trip up north is going to get in the way and depending on development may lead to moving up north.
too many unknowns to make definite plans.

the Mac was given to her (GIVEN TO HER) why donā€™t I know people like that.

sometimes itā€™s better to be lucky than good.

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