

Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the shoutbox is back and I'm having problems again. What is it with that shoutbox, I don't even look at it but it still hates me and I have to close window and then log back on again. :17: :17: :17: :17:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the shoutbox is back and I'm having problems again. What is it with that shoutbox, I don't even look at it but it still hates me and I have to close window and then log back on again.

Well, I tried; it was a new version so I thought it might have treated you better. :( But there's just something about your configuration that it doesn't like. We'll have to come up with something different.
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Thank you so much, and before all our members start ganging up on me

:07: I'M SORRY.:07:
I don't mean to be a right royal pain​

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