Conure Sick - Any Advice


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Dec 18, 2024
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Hello all!

I am a new member here so Iā€™m hoping this is in the correct forum!

I have a female pineapple conure, she is 5 years old as of Dec 15 and I have had her since 2021. Sheā€™s always had a very sassy, picky and stubborn attitude to her, but is a very happy bird. Last Wednesday(Dec 12) I had noticed she had been eating very small amounts of food. She was also having very black poop. I got her to the vet the next morning under an emergency visit for the exotic veterinarian. They took bloodwork and X-Rays, X-rays looked good, and they prescribed her oral medication for Gastrointestinal inflammation to take home until we could get her blood test results back (I live in a medium sized city however itā€™s very far north and we donā€™t have a full avian laboratory here). Iā€™ve been trying to give her the medical 3X per day but a lot of the time she wonā€™t let me so she really only gets 1X or 2X per day. However it does seem that somethings helped, as her poop has improved as it is back to somewhat normal, just not a lot as her appetite hasnā€™t really seen any improvement overall. Sheā€™s never lost her spunk, sheā€™s not weak, still plays etc. Yesterday (Tuesday Dec 17) she was doing very well, was eating more, however today it is back to eating very little. I also got her blood work back and everything looks good, except, she has high white blood cells. Tomorrow(Thursday Dec 17) we go for a bacterial, and fecal test, and to get some anti biotics as the veterinarian speculates she may have an infection and we will see if that will help until we can get this round of results back. This test has to be shipped to the nearest big city which wonā€™t be back until next week and my vet is going on holidays December 19-Jan 6 but the clinic she operates out of will update me on the results.
But does anyone have any advice on how i can really help her regain her appetite and keep her stable while the doctor is away and what is good to try and feed her for this? She is very stubborn and sometimes flatly refuses to take the oral Syringe. She flies away even in the dark. She can wiggle and chew herself out of just about anything it seems which makes me nervous for these anti biotics weā€™re trying tomorrow. I will update once we find out what he results will be!

Any advice is greatly appreciated! She is my first bird and my first pet in general so I want to do anything I can to help her. While the veterinarian is gone, the nearest full avian hospital and any sort of emergency after hours vet is unfortunately 8-10 hours away.
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First, welcome to the forum!
I'm sorry your baby is sick, it's so scary when that happens. One of our other members had to give meds to her conure, and this is what ended up working for her:

When my conure was sick, he would take his meds by us putting it on cut up grapes. My vet had told me that the most important thing was making sure he was eating something. He was thrilled, grapes and strawberries were his favourite thing in the whole world, and he enjoyed having a lot of them! The fruits really helped keep him hydrated as well. The only thing to watch out for is loose stools if you go the fruit route.
I would just try mixing the meds into whatever she most likes to eat. It may take trying a few different foods to find the right one.

Please update us on how the tests come out. Sending healing prayers your way.
I am the aforementioned parrot-medicating member. It's been a long time since then, with the same bird (same one, yes). He has been on heart medicine since he was in his 30s. He seems to get weary (or suspicious, or whatever) of any medicine-delivery system. The most recent thing that's working beautifully is to figure the average amount of pellets she eats in a day (putout several spoons full and measure what's eaten in 24 hours). Then take that amount and drizzle/sprinkle a full daily does over the pellets, let them dry, scrunch any clusters up), put them out, and she should be getting a daily dose in 12 hours. Enalapril is what my bird takes, and it has a pretty mild taste. Rougher meds might not work. If she doesn't eat pellets, I certainly recommend transitioning (there are ways to do that, even with picky eaters).
As previously described, some birds will take meds disguised in tasty foods or liquids...
Good luck to you!!!!

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