
New member
May 3, 2015
Hi everyone :) I'm Lynda from South Wales UK. I live with my partner, Jess and our African Grey parrot, Jerri. We are Jerri's third set of owners and have had 'him' for about four years. (I say 'him' as we were led to believe that it was a boy when we got him but last year, at an estimated age of 10-11, 'he' laid an egg for the first time ever, blowing that theory out of the water! As he's been telling everyone he's a 'good boy' all his life, we haven't got the heart to tell him tho ;p)
He/she is puzzling us at the moment as he won't settle down to sleep at night. We've always shared the same room and when we cover the cage with a blanket, he usually settles on his favourite perch and goes to sleep but for the last couple of weeks, when we cover him, he won't settle and keeps clambering around the cage, hanging upside down and generally being active in the dark. This goes on throughout the night and is keeping us and him awake. He tries to sleep anywhere except the usual bed perch, even tries his food dish as a perch. Nothing new has been introduced and nothing has been changed. His daytime behaviour is normal and he'll use all his perches then. We've tried removing things to see if they're bothering him but no help. If there are any parrot psychologists out there who have an idea what might be going on, any advice is appreciated :) thanks. :grey:
For Jerri, other than the dreaded hormones, I have no ideas. If your question gets lost in your welcoming aboard, you may consider posting it separately! Perhaps in the behavioral OR Greys section.
Hello Lynda, Welcome to the forum!

Jerri's recent behavior sounds like the dreaded hormonal behavior Flboy mentioned. If you've already removed anything that could be mistaken for nesting material, maybe you could try rearranging or even relocating Jerri's cage.

We'd love to see photos of Jerri.
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Thanks for the replies :) so if it is hormonal, are we talking about a seasonal thing because it's spring/egg laying season or something more long term relating to general age? Just wondering how long to expect it to last.
As for photos, would love to add some but have no idea how. I'm on an iPad. Just had a play around with the paper clip attachment thing but after I've uploaded a pic I don't know what to do next. If someone knows or I can work it out, I'll add some soon :)

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