Adopted Blue & Gold Warming Up


New member
Aug 21, 2009
1 Macaw (Blue & Gold)
2 Parakeets
It has been 4 days since I adopted my Macaw. She is a Blue & Gold. I don't want to say her name in here, because someone named her after illegal drugs & my wife & I are currently trying to think of a good new name for her.
I have never had a Macaw before. She is huge, but I knew I had to have her the second I saw her. I answered a random adoption ad in the paper for a macaw. When I arrived at the place, they were feeding her tortillas & giving her soda. She was very grouchy & just non stop biting & aggressive behavior to her current owners, however me being someone she never knew, came over, said UP & wanted to perch on my arm, I let her. The owner was amazed.
Here I am 4 days later. She has been on a strict diet of essential nuts & grains. She also is recieveing a Daily Fresh Fruit & Vegatable mixture, with a small bit of natural unsweetended yogurt. She is very friendly to us now. Today she didn't even try to nip or snap at anyone so far. She is such a good bird. I am convinced the garbage that they were feeding her was making her the most pissed off bird in the world. Now I am wondering what other junk they fed her as well.
Anyways, I just wanted to update because I am excited that everything is going smooth. When we find a name I will post another picture with her name on it. Thanks for reading!
Congrats! That's awesome for only after four days.

We'd love to see pictures.

Also, as much as I don't want to rain on the parade, you should still be careful. It's easy to get overconfident when things are going great. Keep up the great work but always keep in mind what a change is is for her and be patient if you hit stumbling blocks.
yes. beware of the "honeymoon" phase. give her a good couple of months to settle in. a bad diet can cause a bird to be mean. get her on some good quality pellets (Harrisons, Rowdybush, Zupreem) and a large cage. a happy bird is a good bird.
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Thanks for all of the tips. I will make sure to check my pellets standards to these as well. She is still doing decent, starting to open up a bit more. But yes, you are right, I will be cautious!
That is great you rescued a macaw from circumstances like that! SODA?! That's horrid! Poor baby... what a great person you are! Good luck with your new parrot!
I recently rescued a Harlequin from being slowly starved to death these birds are huge comepared to a B&G and when I got him he was only 650 grams Ive had him for 3 months now and he is up to 1000 grams he still has at least 300 or more to go but boy does he look wonderful compared to when I got him what special birds they are I just love my Darius (I also changed his name) I figure new life new name new beginning Have you chosen a new name for your bird yet I looked at the pics you uploaded your bird is very pretty. I feed my birds tortias sometimes also they are whole wheat and they love them with Red palm oil spread on them.And of course he gets a very good variaty of fruits nuts pellets pasta eggs rice and 18 bean mash that has everything in it like barley pasta oats pellets mixed feggies and even a few hot peppers they also get lots of different kinds of nuts Red palm oil is very good for them since we can't get the palm nuts here that is their main food in the wild red palm oil is the next best thing. Have fun with your new friend and please do some research because many house hold items can kill your bird get rid of any teflon coated cook ware you might have and the air fresheners also and don't feed him Avacado its toxic to birds. please read up on your bird they need lots of wood to chew alsoor they will chew anything they can get their beak on go to the lumber yard and buy some untreated pine or spruce and cut it into 3inch cookies and give him a few each day this will help keep him busy lots of rope and swings stuff like that is also fun make sure you get cotton rope or hemp rope either is fine for your bird sisle rope is also ok Have fun and play with him lots and you will have a wonderful companion for life. This is a picture of my newest rescue
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Lemme guess her name........Heroin? Cocaine? Crack? Hmmm I'm assuming it's one of the more "hardcore" ones cuz of the way you're acting about it....or maybe it's Speed or Weed..hmmmmmmmmmm

Anyways congrats and feed her lots of fresh foods and pellets cuz thats whats good. Play with her for 8 hours each day
Thank you for rescuing this poor bird. Welcome to macaw life. You are going to love it! Sounds like you are on the right track. Darius has excellent advice.
who would name a bird Free Base? I wanted to name our bird Chicken Wing but my girl went with Pepper so Chicken Wing is up for grabs if you need it.
My amazon is named Captain but I have cocktiels named Pete and Repeat. Repeat rocks all the time, he is a rescue.
I have found a bird and adopted a blue and gold this evening and she is beautiful!!
I have named her Skyblue Billie. she came with just the name blue but she needed a 2 part name like me.
now to get info on how to make this process as smooth as possible.
Congrat's !!!! Adopting a bird great decision.
Great advise from all the above posts.
You doing a great job.:white1:
How old in the bird, any idea?
Curios to know what the bird will be name LoL
Keep us posted.
Great day
I am on day 11 of my resque and everyday is getting better and better. My Charlie "Chuck" is a new bird from when I met him. Keep up the good work and let me know how it goes for you. I have to tell you that for the first few days I was ready to send Charlie on his way!! But know I dont think I could give him up for anything.

Here is a link to the thread on my story with Charlie
:blue1: How awesome!! You got that beautiful bird out of there.

Soda and chips! What a bunch of morons. :mad: Sounds like your new girl is very lucky. I'm on my first real day with my blue and gold, she came home last night after a long drive, and she is great, but keeps biting me.
I too, have to get through the honeymoon stage.

I wish you a ton of luck, keep us updated on how she does. I bet she'll just absorb all of your attention and kindness.

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