Adorable little Green Cheeks


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Sydney - Blue Front Amazon
Gonzo - Congo African Grey
Willow - Cockatiel
Snowy, Ivy, Kiwi, Ghost - Parakeets
Berry - Cinnamon GCC
So I decided to adopt another pair of bird from the person I got my 'zons from, a pineapple and a normal green cheek pair. They're super shy, hiding in their nest box for a good part of the day, I don't know if they had toys before, but the person whom I got them from, who rescued them from someone else said they had only been eating wild bird seed! He quickly got them onto a cookables diet and they're doing great.

I don't really buy many mixes besides seeds for sprouting and everything else I mix myself. Offered them some sprouts today, which they're approaching with caution, but I loved listening to the little crunchie sounds of them eating the apple bits I put in, I think it's one of my favorite noises.

Undecided on names yet, have joked around about Pumpkin and Spice, a friend suggested Pina and Colada, but I don't want to be too obvious with funny names!
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Frick and Frack?

Haha, sounds like what I say around the house on occasion. :p

I DO like the names Pumpkin and Spice, but my boyfriend said it's too "white girl" for me, LOL.

Thought about Nutmeg and Cinnamon too, I've got fall on the brain!

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