Advice needed please baby princess of wales


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Jul 2, 2023
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Princess of wales
Hi all I am new to this forum and the baby bird world!

I have owned poultry for 4 years I fully understand this is totally different but have a good idea on how the crop works etc and general overall health

I work at a college within an aviary setting and when myself and my boss went to ring this princess of wales chick we noticed he had fully deformed feet (they were curled and clubbed) and rotated tibiotarsus (sorry if thatā€™s spelt wrong) so we took him to the vets and the vet put some little boot type things on him and he is really coping very well and can nearly fly! We will be back at the vets next Friday for his check up.

He was born on may 28th so is roughly 4 and a 1/2 weeks old

We pulled him from the nest about 2 and a half weeks ago, Iā€™ve had him at home hand rearing him for the last 2 weeks. He is fed nutri bird A21

For the first week and a half he was eating his formula readily, taking approx 26-28 ml a day, however for the last 3/4 days he has been reluctant to take, in the morning he will take 1ml or so readily but the rest I am assisting him in taking it and the same throughout the day.

I make my formula at 38.5 degrees every time as consistently as I can, with the dish inside hot water, and he is kept in a warming box when not feeding but I do have him out and handle him. I have just started in the last day to put him in a small open cage with some food items and enrichment and just sit next to him whilst heā€™s in there but after feeds and over night he goes into the warm box, I am worried I have been feeding him to cold formula and put him off as I have been worried about heating to much because of crop burn,

He is vocal ā€œsquak squakā€ and loves stretching his wings and flapping them trying to take off this is annoying for him as he obviously has his little vet booties on which are preventing him from leaving the ground but he gets up on his tip toes lol.

He is SUPER KEEN on mouthing millet, seeds, pieces of green veg, nuts etc I canā€™t see him actually swallowing much but he really loves munching at the items and mouthing them.

His crop is fully empty when I come down in the morning last feed is 10/1030 and morning feed is 7/730

I tend to feed him roughly at 7 , 11, 2, 6 and 10

He is active, appears fine, not fluffed up, his crop doesnā€™t feel hard or impacted and there is no smell there, he preens regularly, his faecal matter seems normal it hasnā€™t changed in consistency or colour since Iā€™ve had him, he is practically fully feathered apart from some down on his back underneath, skin seems a normal colour, but I am worried due to the change in his feeding , the feeding response is quite absent but he will swallow the food, I syringe feed him.

Please be gentle with me I am open for any suggestions and help and appreciate it all, but I am new to this and just want Bertie to have the best life he can and be as healthy as he can.

I am still not sure of his future due to his feet we are back at the vets on Friday for his check ups

Sorry for the mismatched information Iā€™ve just tried to get everything in I can, like I said any advice greatly received

Iā€™ll try and attach a piccy of him,
Thanks everyone

Sorry itā€™s nutribird A19 I am feeding him my mistake.
I have no experience with feeding baby birds I'm afraid but I just wanted to say that he's adorable! It does seem like he's ready to start eating solid food, but someone more experienced will have to confirm that. My budgies babies did a lot of mouthing their first solid foods and I worried about them actually eating it or not but they had their parents to feed them so I didn't have to worry too much. I'm sure someone will be along to help you soon :)
I have no experience with feeding baby birds I'm afraid but I just wanted to say that he's adorable! It does seem like he's ready to start eating solid food, but someone more experienced will have to confirm that. My budgies babies did a lot of mouthing their first solid foods and I worried about them actually eating it or not but they had their parents to feed them so I didn't have to worry too much. I'm sure someone will be along to help you soon :)
Thanks very much Iā€™m wandering if Iā€™m trying to feed him too much as he is 5 weeks old now so today I am going to drop a feed and slightly bulk out the others and go from there kindest regards
Thanks very much Iā€™m wandering if Iā€™m trying to feed him too much as he is 5 weeks old now so today I am going to drop a feed and slightly bulk out the others and go from there kindest regards
Good luck with him, and keep us updated!
Hi for anyone who is interested by the time we go to bed I will have fed Bertie 4 times rather than five and spaced the timings out longer, this has enabled his crop to be fully empty before the next feed and his feeding response is back already and heā€™s so much more chatty again! I think I have been over feeding him, heā€™s been loving his egg food today and even did a tiny first flight even with his little boots on, šŸ˜€ Becky x
Welcome to the forums, @Beckyleah and Bertie! Unfortunately I have no experience with feeding baby birds but I just wanted to welcome you and say your Bertie is completely adorable! :love: I have recently acquired a princess parrot too, her name is Peach - not my idea but itā€™s a cute name and it stuck. I was going to suggest she and Bertie could be girlfriend and boyfriend but sheā€™s already madly in love with my lorikeet, Lovejoy, as you can seeā€¦


I wish you all the best of luck with Bertie and please do keep us updated!
Hi all I am new to this forum and the baby bird world!

I have owned poultry for 4 years I fully understand this is totally different but have a good idea on how the crop works etc and general overall health

I work at a college within an aviary setting and when myself and my boss went to ring this princess of wales chick we noticed he had fully deformed feet (they were curled and clubbed) and rotated tibiotarsus (sorry if thatā€™s spelt wrong) so we took him to the vets and the vet put some little boot type things on him and he is really coping very well and can nearly fly! We will be back at the vets next Friday for his check up.

He was born on may 28th so is roughly 4 and a 1/2 weeks old

We pulled him from the nest about 2 and a half weeks ago, Iā€™ve had him at home hand rearing him for the last 2 weeks. He is fed nutri bird A21

For the first week and a half he was eating his formula readily, taking approx 26-28 ml a day, however for the last 3/4 days he has been reluctant to take, in the morning he will take 1ml or so readily but the rest I am assisting him in taking it and the same throughout the day.

I make my formula at 38.5 degrees every time as consistently as I can, with the dish inside hot water, and he is kept in a warming box when not feeding but I do have him out and handle him. I have just started in the last day to put him in a small open cage with some food items and enrichment and just sit next to him whilst heā€™s in there but after feeds and over night he goes into the warm box, I am worried I have been feeding him to cold formula and put him off as I have been worried about heating to much because of crop burn,

He is vocal ā€œsquak squakā€ and loves stretching his wings and flapping them trying to take off this is annoying for him as he obviously has his little vet booties on which are preventing him from leaving the ground but he gets up on his tip toes lol.

He is SUPER KEEN on mouthing millet, seeds, pieces of green veg, nuts etc I canā€™t see him actually swallowing much but he really loves munching at the items and mouthing them.

His crop is fully empty when I come down in the morning last feed is 10/1030 and morning feed is 7/730

I tend to feed him roughly at 7 , 11, 2, 6 and 10

He is active, appears fine, not fluffed up, his crop doesnā€™t feel hard or impacted and there is no smell there, he preens regularly, his faecal matter seems normal it hasnā€™t changed in consistency or colour since Iā€™ve had him, he is practically fully feathered apart from some down on his back underneath, skin seems a normal colour, but I am worried due to the change in his feeding , the feeding response is quite absent but he will swallow the food, I syringe feed him.

Please be gentle with me I am open for any suggestions and help and appreciate it all, but I am new to this and just want Bertie to have the best life he can and be as healthy as he can.

I am still not sure of his future due to his feet we are back at the vets on Friday for his check ups

Sorry for the mismatched information Iā€™ve just tried to get everything in I can, like I said any advice greatly received

Iā€™ll try and attach a piccy of him,
Thanks everyone
Rebecca View attachment 52324
XxView attachment 52325
What a sweet baby! I found that when the baby budgie I handfed from hatching got close to fully grown in size and feathers and began feeding herself she began to eat much less than when she was rapidly growing. Your baby looks almost adult sized so I think his drop in appetite is normal.
What a sweet baby! I found that when the baby budgie I handfed from hatching got close to fully grown in size and feathers and began feeding herself she began to eat much less than when she was rapidly growing. Your baby looks almost adult sized so I think his drop in appetite is normal.
Thank you so much for your response I think you are totally right, we have dropped a feed and his response is back and now fantastic I think I was over feeding him, he did an actual flight today! And his boots come off Tuesday we both canā€™t wait! Iā€™ve found that when heā€™s sleeping he is making a lot of different chirping squeaking noises and my boss thinks heā€™s perfecting his voice I would love for him to talk, I think Iā€™ll be keeping him now no way could I give him back to work I guess we all have to learn somehow thanks again
Welcome to the forums, @Beckyleah and Bertie! Unfortunately I have no experience with feeding baby birds but I just wanted to welcome you and say your Bertie is completely adorable! :love: I have recently acquired a princess parrot too, her name is Peach - not my idea but itā€™s a cute name and it stuck. I was going to suggest she and Bertie could be girlfriend and boyfriend but sheā€™s already madly in love with my lorikeet, Lovejoy, as you can seeā€¦

View attachment 52366View attachment 52367
I wish you all the best of luck with Bertie and please do keep us updated!
Peach is gorgeous and your other bird ! Thank so much for the reply; we are doing really well here! Bertie is now tucked away sleeping, canā€™t wait for his boots to be removed Tuesday! Take care xx


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Peach is gorgeous and your other bird ! Thank so much for the reply; we are doing really well here! Bertie is now tucked away sleeping, canā€™t wait for his boots to be removed Tuesday! Take care xx
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! Princess Peach says "thank you and nitey nite, Bertie" and sends him a goodnight kiss šŸ˜˜ Bertie's lucky he's got you and your vet to take care of him, and I've got my fingers crossed for everything to go well for him when his boots come off! šŸ¤žšŸ™šŸ¤žšŸ™šŸ¤ž

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