Almost a tragic morning!


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Fort Wayne, IN
Blue & Gold Macaw
African Grey
So like other mornings I took Kiwi my grey in my room and she hung out with me while I got dressed for work. The normal routine her giving me kisses and her trying to eat the poor old kitty trying to sleep on my bed. Anyways I have her on my hand and was walking her back to her cage in the living room when she takes off flying apparently not wanting to get back in her cage. She flies right into Waddles by B&G macaws cage and lands right on top of her. OMG I staRted freaking out because it was very clear at that moment that Kiwi's poor little head fits right into Waddles beak. :eek:

But after some screaming by the Waddles who was scared cause obviously she didn't know what got her she gave Kiwi a lick and I quickly got Kiwi out of the cage. All the way back to Kiwi's cage she was making kissy sounds yelling birdie birdie birdie. Crazy darn bird. That was my heart attack for the day! Ill be sure to hold her wing on the cage return from now on!
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I would say you dodged a bullet on that one :eek::D. That was funny though in hindsight all she got was a lick and then making kissy noises. Too funny:D:)
Yeah that's a close one. Glad Kiwi is ok. A few months ago I had a similar heart attack. I was opening a package with a knife. Right at that moment, Beaker decides to fly to my hands. Luckily he missed the knife, but he could have impaled himself if he was a few inches over and the knife was at a different angle. Needless to say, I now open packages requiring scissors or a knife in a different room.

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