am i missing anything?


Active member
Oct 3, 2021
in a few years i hope to adopt an eclectus parrot as my first bird, ive been feeding my other pets fresh food everyday for 5+ years so that is fine with me, i feed them better than myself, i plan on buying an absolute MONSTER of a cage that is (from memory) 6-8f long with lots of natural wood branches, i hope to have a shelf with tubs filled with toy parts bought in bulk that i can just make my own toys from too.
i will most likely be working 8-5 and have the eclectus as the main pet (meaning others would be a lizard and some bugs maybe a fish) so it will get a large potion of my time and will be taken on weekend adventures and walks (wearing a harness of course or in a travel cage if it refuses the harness) I really want to take a bird that has had a hard run of it and give it the love and respect it deserves.
in respect to mess- if it is less or equal to the mess produced by 10 teenaged chickens in a small room, i can handle it lol!
ive been bitten scratched pecked and otherwise covered in all manners of injuries and mess from animals and cant bring myself to ever blame them, its almost always from me not listening to what their saying.
i am no stranger to having everything i own destroyed or chewed, and as such i have become fairly good at pet proofing!
i dont want kids, bird comes before relationships always, lots of socialization as soon as birdy is ready and lots of chilling out together and training, NO DOGS, FERRETS OR CATS i cant handle keeping them separate so stressful!

so.. am i missing anything and if so TELL ME PLEASE :ROFLMAO: plus any ekkie tips tricks or info i need to know or would benefit from welcome
(ps. how do i make sure theyre comfortable/ unstressed as much as possible when i bring them home eventually? (bonding tips?)

thanks in advance!!!!!
Well, I like your style: you're outgoing, curious, and open-minded.
Good for you, for NOT doing like *I* did... that is, fall in love, buy the bird, bring it home, and then panic!
My best advice? Stick with us. Read, read, read. I'm glad you're here.

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Well, I like your style: you're outgoing, curious, and open-minded.
Good for you, for NOT doing like *I* did... that is, fall in love, buy the bird, bring it home, and then panic!
My best advice? Stick with us. Read, read, read. I'm glad you're here.

sounds good,
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