

New member
Aug 11, 2016
North America
Alohi, a baby sun conure.

Zoey, a 29 year old male congo African Grey.

Maui, GCC; RIP
As many of you know, I rehomed a CAG in May. I have really begun wondering about Zoey's anklet. He is 29 according to his previous owners. He has a closed silver anklet, and the top rim that I can see is strangely blue. All I can make out on it is "BS3" and further down is "22." Does anyone know anything about anklets? I think there was more at one time but it is rubbed smooth elsewhere. Its hard to check for anything else considering he won't step up from his cage and doesn't like the feeling of eyes inspecting him. My curiosity is wondering if perhaps he was wild caught considering his age. I know captive breeding wasn't really a big thing until a couple decades ago. I'd just love to find out more about his past :)
Its called a Leg Band. They put them on baby bird when it's young and they grow into it. The letters represent what breeder, state (sometimes, mine does at least), and the number the specific clutch. It can be used to identify a lost bird, so it's important to remember what it is.

Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine - The ABC's Of Leg Bands - Identifying Birds

It may be a bit tricky to ID which specific breeder or seller he came from, especially at that age. 29 years is quite a time to trace back. :)

Mine is BA (Brightwood Aviary) GA (Georgia) and the 4 digit number, for example.
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I know what they are, that's why I was asking if anyone knew what BS could mean. It's obviously not a state so I was wondering if maybe it was a breeder or represented something else. I doubt I'll ever find out anything but I figured throwing it out there couldn't hurt. I guess I'll keep searching.
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It's probably a breeder but it could easily mean "Bird Sanctuary".
Try looking in the state for breeders with that name, or maybe in the state bird registries if your state does that. Alabama, for example, does not - but a lot of bigger states do. 

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