Any guesses... Just for fun


New member
May 27, 2015
Calgary, AB, Canada
Taco: female cinnamon pearl cockatiel - hatched: ~September 2013, Gotcha date: Nov 29th, 2013
Tiki: Male yellow-sided green cheek conure - hatched April 10th, 2015, Gotcha date May 24, 2015
I know there is no way to know gender unless you DNA, however just for fun, does anyone want to guess gender by looking at the shape of Tiki's head? I have read some people think that males and females have different head shapes, so I am curious what the guesses are on gender based on this picture.
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I say... Definitely male! Ha-ha! Our Franklin is a male and the moment I looked at your pictures, I saw "the look" that screams male to me. :).

Now I will be interested in finding out if I am right! Will you be getting your little sweetie DNA'd?

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I say... Definitely male! Ha-ha! Our Franklin is a male and the moment I looked at your pictures, I saw "the look" that screams male to me. :).

Now I will be interested in finding out if I am right! Will you be getting your little sweetie DNA'd?


We will have Tiki DNA'd at some point. I plan to go to a local pet store that will clip nail and use the blood to send away for DNAing, but I don't want this done the first time I bring tiki there so s/he won't have a negative association with new people handling him. We have been clipping his nails ourselves so I'll need to wait a bit to do the DNA :-(.

The breeder tiki came from said male too but she also said you can't really be sure based on that.
Oh my goodness, I always guess based on personality (in Georgie's case, I was right. I just knew she was a girl, but Gilbert was sexed before I got him, so I didn't get to guess.)
I think that holds true with some other species too. Where the look of a heavier or larger head and beak is more evident on males most of the time, giving a more masculine look. Then there are other species where you can't see a difference.

I've seen GCC's at the stores when they have many together, and it does seem like some are more 'feminine' looking than others. By the pics I can't tell :). If it was me, I'd be dying to know!
I can't even imagine not knowing! I am the "curious cat" though. My male DEFINITELY has a larger beak. He is also much more outgoing, not necessarily in a good way. He is also picking up on words faster. He is a HUGE handful.

My girls are kind of laid back kissy kissy types. They will go to other people without problems. The male - not so much. He puffs up and hisses. Not a streak of that with family.

I had, in fact, named my female Lady, thinking but then not knowing at the time that she actually was a she. Then I was overwhelmed with guilt. What if Lady was a he? I have no gender discrimination/prejudices and what ever your sexual preference is is up to you, but I didn't want to "push" a gender on the bird (I know, how kooky can I be). So Lady became Kiwi and I think is 1/2 way back to Lady (she really is a lady).

My kids bought me DNA sexing kits last Christmas. One of the best gifts ever!

(after all this - I say male)

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