Any ideas what’s happening to my dog?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2017
One Quaker, Nico
Hi guys,

Looking for a bit of advice. Today my dog scared the shit out of me. I was bathing her (she has bad allergies) and suddenly it seemed as if her legs sort of buckled. She didn’t fall, just sort of sunk down a bit and then five seconds or so later was fine. She didn’t seem painful or anything but it was really scary. She’s completely normal now, running around the house and barking and playing.

Now, she has been having another weird problem with her butt? She’s been licking her privates excessively and then sometimes she’ll leap off the couch in a panic and look at her rear/nub tail as if she’s hurt. I don’t know if this could somehow be related. Her vet did say she has slight arthritis in some rear vertebrae but that it’s normal for large breeds. Again, don’t know if that could be related.

She’s a four year old Doberman. She’s incontinent (controlled with Proin), has allergies, and because of this is on a fish only diet. I’ll be taking her back to the vet ASAP but I just wanted some opinions in the meantime because I assume it will be a few days.
I was thinking uti...then u said issues with I'd want to rule that out.

Seizure cone in different milder peek has the odd seizure , causes him to freeze up....after lots of work uos. I choose to keep Valium in hand incase of grand mall...
I was assured it was not genetic and he wouldn't pass it on...well I had one litter with him and his son also has the rare seizure . The son has weak legs when he has.. lasts a few seconds

So that's a possibility.

Good luck. Hopefully feeling better
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I was thinking uti...then u said issues with I'd want to rule that out.

Seizure cone in different milder peek has the odd seizure , causes him to freeze up....after lots of work uos. I choose to keep Valium in hand incase of grand mall...
I was assured it was not genetic and he wouldn't pass it on...well I had one litter with him and his son also has the rare seizure . The son has weak legs when he has.. lasts a few seconds

So that's a possibility.

Good luck. Hopefully feeling better
It could still be a UTI, she’s been having some issues recently with not being 100% controlled on her meds but I thought it was allergies. When her allergies flare she tends to leak.

Oh god I’m sorry. I’m glad you have it under control though! I’m really hoping that’s not what it was. She has enough issues as it is, poor thing… I don’t know if hers are genetic either really because as far as I know her littermates don’t even have allergies!

Thank you. She’s absolutely fine right now, but I’m definitely getting her in.
The itchy butt could be due to worms or anal gland build up. Has her anal glands been expressed recently? If not the vet or a groomer can do it for you since it's pretty gross.
I'm not sure I remember right (it's been a LONG time!) but can dogs on PPA be MORE prone to bladder infections? If she's bending and licking between her legs while sitting most female dogs are licking vulva which could be UTI irritation (or unrelated skin irritation in dogs with allergies too), whereas if they are turning and licking while standing underneath tail could be anal glands which isn't uncommon with allergies, or skin irritation around rump from allergies.

Poor pupper! My first dog was on Atopica and a very strict single protein diet for a few years so I sympathize with the allergy struggle.

Buckling during a bath - if she does have arthritis in the lumbar spine some dogs will buckle their rear legs if you put pressure on those vertebrae. But like Laurasea has experienced neurological issues can cause that too. My first dog had a neurological issues that eventually caused his back end to be weak. You probably have a better idea what it actually looked like to share with your vet though. I once bathed a Dane that kept looking like her back legs gave out in the bath and she'd catch herself, but it was because she'd start to sit then her butt would touch water and she'd scramble for a second. 🤷‍♀️

I wouldn't say anything pops out as being super urgent to me, a random person and not a vet, unless you see changes in urination/eating/drinking/the usual.
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The itchy butt could be due to worms or anal gland build up. Has her anal glands been expressed recently? If not the vet or a groomer can do it for you since it's pretty gross.
This. After sitting back and thinking and reading a bit I think it may be her glands. From what I’m reading if it’s bad enough it can cause pain like she seems to occasionally be having. I’m thinking maybe she got a shot if it while in the tub and that’s what happened.
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I'm not sure I remember right (it's been a LONG time!) but can dogs on PPA be MORE prone to bladder infections? If she's bending and licking between her legs while sitting most female dogs are licking vulva which could be UTI irritation (or unrelated skin irritation in dogs with allergies too), whereas if they are turning and licking while standing underneath tail could be anal glands which isn't uncommon with allergies, or skin irritation around rump from allergies.

Poor pupper! My first dog was on Atopica and a very strict single protein diet for a few years so I sympathize with the allergy struggle.

Buckling during a bath - if she does have arthritis in the lumbar spine some dogs will buckle their rear legs if you put pressure on those vertebrae. But like Laurasea has experienced neurological issues can cause that too. My first dog had a neurological issues that eventually caused his back end to be weak. You probably have a better idea what it actually looked like to share with your vet though. I once bathed a Dane that kept looking like her back legs gave out in the bath and she'd catch herself, but it was because she'd start to sit then her butt would touch water and she'd scramble for a second. 🤷‍♀️

I wouldn't say anything pops out as being super urgent to me, a random person and not a vet, unless you see changes in urination/eating/drinking/the usual.
I just replied to another comment- I think it’s anal glands! From what I’m reading it can cause symptoms like this- especially the leaping off the couch and looking as if someone has stabbed her butt lol. I think she got a shot of pain while in the tub and couldn’t turn to reach at her butt.

Thank you so much for the detailed response though. I don’t think it’s anything neurological though because she’s getting around just fine and if I put pressure on her butt she just sits as normal. Lmao, my baby is definitely sensitive about things touching her butt too, so it’s hard to tell sometimes.

Thanks for assuaging my fears, I feel comfortable just taking her in for a normal visit ASAP. ❤️
Yes my dog acts like she's being chased by bees or like she's been shot when her anal glands are bugging her :) That's pretty classic and so wild to see lol

That'd be nice and simple to take care of at least! :)
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Yes my dog acts like she's being chased by bees or like she's been shot when her anal glands are bugging her :) That's pretty classic and so wild to see lol

That'd be nice and simple to take care of at least! :)
Thanks for backing up my theory lol! Good to know! Sorry your baby has that issue too though!!
it can also be kidney pain, infection
I think cstch a pee with i plate or bowl and hsve checked would be a good idea.
But yiu can always start with anal glands. That is an excellent tip. My dog Alf gets very painful with gland issues.....ugh...I know how and do myself...yuck. but he get constipation hold poops when they start getting full from the pain
The arthritis. Get her on a glucosamine supplement! For me, I have a very noticeable limp and real pain! With my Triple Flex, I am pain free!
Besides joint support, glucosamine is an excellent anti inflammatory! It is something you will see results in right away!
Strictly used as a pain reliever for workouts, it is a game changer for me!
If you shop Costco, they have really great prices!
I am thinking this is painful anal glands.

I’ve seen dogs do what you’re describing.

She will not be too happy when the vet expresses them. Just fyi. But then she’ll be better.
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I am thinking this is painful anal glands.

I’ve seen dogs do what you’re describing.

She will not be too happy when the vet expresses them. Just fyi. But then she’ll be better.
It did end up being anal glands, forgot to update!

She’s actually so good for the vet. They ask if she’s going to bite and I’m just like no, I don’t think she knows how lol

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