Anyone own a Golden Conure?


New member
Nov 22, 2011
One male Meyer,
One male Ecletus,
One female Golden Conure
Hello, we are anxiously waiting for our new Golden Conure, Lucy, to arrive next week. See pics in my album. I'd like to hear from anyone that owns a Golden on anything good, bad, what to expect. We are purchasing her from a breeder that we trust and bought from before. Lucy is really sweet. I've read that the Goldens are quieter than other Conures. Is that true? Also, we have a Meyer and an Ecletus. Both are really quite. We feed both fruit, veggies, pellets, seeds, boiled eggs, pasta, and other good whole foods. Nothing processed. Is the Conures diet the same?

Thanks in advance!
I don't, but I have just googled them... They're certainly a beautiful bird, and more quiet than your normal conure... In many places they also require a permit to keep them - not sure if this applies to you...
Hello, we are anxiously waiting for our new Golden Conure, Lucy, to arrive next week. See pics in my album. I'd like to hear from anyone that owns a Golden on anything good, bad, what to expect. We are purchasing her from a breeder that we trust and bought from before. Lucy is really sweet. I've read that the Goldens are quieter than other Conures. Is that true? Also, we have a Meyer and an Ecletus. Both are really quite. We feed both fruit, veggies, pellets, seeds, boiled eggs, pasta, and other good whole foods. Nothing processed. Is the Conures diet the same?

Thanks in advance!

Sounds like a good diet for a conure. Congrats on getting a golden conure. They are beautiful. I wanted one, but they are so darn expensive. Please post pics when you get your new addition.
Such cute pictures! I can't wait to see more once you get her! Diet sounds great. I don't have a golden myself, can't say much otherwise.

Wow, congrats! They're pretty expensive where I live... Did you know they're endangered in the wild? I have heard that they are quieter than other birds, and also very snuggly.
She looks adorable in the pics! But of course, I want to know more about your Meyers :) He looks adorable, and I'm not biased, I SWEAR.
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Re: Anyone own a Golden Conure?
Wow, congrats! They're pretty expensive where I live... Did you know they're endangered in the wild? I have heard that they are quieter than other birds, and also very snuggly.

Yeah, she was expensive, (2k), but she melted our hearts with her cuddles, hugs, and sweetness! Yes, I know they are endangered. I'm treading on uncharted waters here because I can't find too many people that own one. We seen a lot of videos on Youtube that are really good. We can't wait! We should get her next Thursday, 12/1. Hopefully. That's when she will be off formula for 2 weeks, and if her weight stays up. I'll post pictures when she comes home!
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She looks adorable in the pics! But of course, I want to know more about your Meyers :) He looks adorable, and I'm not biased, I SWEAR.

My Meyers, Eddie! Eddie was our first bird. I originally bought him for my daughter when she was 10. She's 14 now. Even though Eddie was sweet and hand raised, this was my daughter's first experience with a bird. As he grew older and his nips got stronger, she backed off and I took over. So he is now my bird and I am the only one who can handle him. But I can hold him in both my hands and kiss him all over. He will bite me, but only when he is trying to get his own way. Like, "no, I don't want to go back in my cage". But he is my baby and I love him to death. My daughter seen how great it was to get along with Eddie, but she was scared of him, and by then, Eddie only wanted me. So that's when we searched for another bird for her. And we decided on the male Eclectus. We got Izzie this year, 2011, and it is working out wonderfully! They are two peas in a pod! When we thought we were done, we seen Lucy (Golden Conure) at our breeders and fell head over hills. We just had to have her. So Lucy will be shared by me and my daughter. But I think she will capture the heart of my husband too! So now we are done for sure! Ha ha!
I own one..My Golden is so friendly..Whenever people see both my birds or I tell them what kinds of birds I have they always think my Golden is the loud one but my alex is the loud one. My Golden hardly makes any noise or flock calls only when he or she hears me when I come home and when I give my golden food thats it. Also my golden learned how to say step up because I always tell her or him that and hello.

And for diet I also feed my birds the samething.
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Thank you for the response! We picked up our baby 4 days ago! She is such a joy! So far she has not made hardly any noise. She is more quiet than our Meyers and Ecletus, and they are quiet. She is so funny, and likes to sun bathe. And she's not needy. She likes to be with everyone but she can hang out on her own, on the playstand, in her cage, by the window in the sun, etc. We love her!
Lets see the pictures of the new baby!!!
I don't believe the "quieter than other conures" mess anymore.. every conure is quieter than another... conures are LOUD! haha I'm sure that if you have an ekkie though, you know all about that! :D enjoy your new baby
Lol, my uncle once remarked that my Blue Crown never screeched like my Nanday. I just rolled my eyes and said, trust me, she can be ear piercing. She just doesn't do it as often. Well, one day when he was here visiting she really let loose. I said see, she does make noise! When she was very happy she would scream "EEEEEEE EEEEEEE EEEEEE" in this very loud and extremely high pitched voice that hurt my ears. It hurt the cat's ears, too. The cat would run up to her cage when she did it and give her this look like, "If you don't stop, I'm going to eat you." It always worked.
I don't believe the "quieter than other conures" mess anymore.. every conure is quieter than another... conures are LOUD! haha I'm sure that if you have an ekkie though, you know all about that! :D enjoy your new baby

I think I might have the ONLY quiet conure born. She rarely makes noise. My Cockatiel on the other hand ... ohhhhh ... he drives me NUTS!!!
My Nanday has a bad rap among everyone I know because she is a "watch bird" and screeches in warning over "intruders". She goes off the second they pull into the driveway, when they first come in, and then after that every time they get up or move. If someone stays for more than a day, she decides they are ok and stops. But, most people don't so they think this is all she does all day.

She also contact calls whenever she can't see me, but years ago I taught her to say, "Hey, hey!" instead. It's more pleasant than the screech.

But, really, she is quiet most of the time. She has other interesting sounds besides the screech or talking. She makes chirps of all kinds, and has one that sounds like "Uh oh! Uh oh!" that I actually like.

No one understood when the Blue Crown died when I said my house was too quiet. They said, how could it be quiet with Rowdy there? I had to explain that honestly, she doesn't screech all day; she does that to "intruders". Bri, the Blue Crown talked to me all day. Honestly, she never shut up, lol! Which made Rowdy talk a lot, too. Sometimes I had to be patient when Bri asked, "Whatcha doin?" 20x in a row, but I always was, and always answered her. I miss that now.

Having the new Amazon has helped a lot. But, honestly, he's pretty quiet, too. He definitely doesn't talk all day either. But, let me tell ya, anyone who thinks conures are too loud hasn't heard an Amazon imitating an alarm clock yet! Holy moly! He does that every night when I'm making dinner and it's loud as loud can be! I live in the country, but I'm sure my neighbors know about it. They may not realize that's a bird doing it though, but they are probably wondering what loud alarm I have going off every evening.

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