Housing Golden Conure with another conure


New member
Jan 10, 2025
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I am interesting in getting a golden conure
I would like to know if it's possible to get another conure such as probably a green cheek conure in addition around the same time and house them together from a very young age ( I am assuming I will get them as babies).
I would have loved to get two golden conures as I know it's what's best but it's just impossible due to price! it would cost me around $12,000 and that's not including cage, flying them to me, food, toys and all the other things they require.

I am still very indecisive about what parrot I would like as I would also love to adopt but I can not get this golden conure out of my head! p.s can not find any golden conures for adoption so that's not an option.
If you got both as babies it's possible they could share a large cage but no guarantees. As they mature they may get territorial and fight. If you want two birds you need to be prepared for the worst and house them separately.
100% right. Be prepared for them to hate each other. Be aware that they may love each other but now hate you! And everything in between. Be aware that the best parrot is one that choses you, regardless of species. IN doing that, 3/4 of the battle is already won!

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