are coloured bells safe?


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Dec 24, 2014
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just wondering if coloured bells are safe because the pet store in my town has so many and i am unsure. ill buy some toys online but i thought id ask here first.
This would appear to be a very simple question, but it is not. Since toy bells are make through-out the world with differing over-sight of the chemicals used as part of plating and coloring. A red bell make in the USA maybe safe whereas a red bell made in another part of the world would not.

Interestingly, color is less of an issue than the construction of the bell itself. The most dangerous part of bells are the clanger inside and the bells attachment point. These two items represent the weakest point of the bell and parrots target them. At the very least, the parrot can cut themselves on sharp edges and the worst would be ingesting those parts.

As with near everything with parrots; Let the Buyer Beware.
I tend to stay away from painted products. Cages,toys, etc. for the same reasons listed by sailboat. The best bells are the Stainless steel "pipe "type bells, because of their "pipe" construction the birds can't reach the clacker. (worth the money because they last forever)
ah thankyou, yeah i should have been thinking of the whole thing instead of just colour!

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