Are these pet toys bird safe?


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
I'm always looking out for stuff I can use for parrot foraging or enrichment, but when it comes to other pet toys I always hesitate.

What do you think of these things?

Chinese fir

This looks like a Awesome foraging toy, the big one looks a little risky for unsupervised play but the little one's look great.


Douglass fir platform


more Chinese fir


The dogs toys seem pretty cool, my main concern is if the rubber that many are made of is ok for birds.

This is a dog toy, called a "twist in treat"


Someone did use this for a blue and gold, but just because one person used it doesn't really mean it's safe

Triad dog toy


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Thanks Wendy!

It's unfortunate about the wood not being known, but I'm glad I can try the rubber dog toy. The Twist in treat looks so cool :)
That purple dog toy looks like a load of fun for your birdie babies! I think the Kong is a great idea, too. I've never heard of Chinese fir. I guess, when in doubt, don't use it.
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i have one of these for my little birds, its the same thing as the bird version, except i bought the one meant for little dogs lol

its made of the same material as these:


I just ordered that toy from Parrotdise Perch. What do you stuff in there for your lovies? I have been trying to teach Basil to be a better forager by wrapping millet balls in newspaper pieces. So far he is not very good at it.
i put paper candy sticks in it, palm leaf shredders, cut up drinking straws, shredded paper, millet, nutriberries, almonds, anything i can wedge in it really. granted, only our male gets the shreddables lol
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing everyone!
I know people use dog toys and baby toys for birds. That purple dog toy does look like it would be fun. Right know I am trying to get Clover to forage. I currently am planning a project of making a bird toy with chinese finger traps.
Both my big macs have bird kongs...

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